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1# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

2# Copyright (C) 2019 Maximilian Stahlberg 

3# Based on the original picos.expressions module by Guillaume Sagnol. 


5# This file is part of PICOS. 


7# PICOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the 

8# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software 

9# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later 

10# version. 


12# PICOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 

13# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR 

14# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. 


16# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 

17# this program. If not, see <>. 

18# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 


20"""Implements :class:`QuadraticExpression`.""" 


22import operator 

23import sys 

24from collections import OrderedDict as odict 

25from collections import namedtuple 

26from types import MappingProxyType 


28import cvxopt 

29import cvxopt.cholmod 

30import numpy 


32from .. import glyphs 

33from ..apidoc import api_end, api_start 

34from ..caching import (borrow_cache, cached_property, 

35 cached_selfinverse_unary_operator, 

36 cached_unary_operator) 

37from ..constraints import (ConicQuadraticConstraint, Constraint, 

38 ConvexQuadraticConstraint, 

39 NonconvexQuadraticConstraint) 

40from ..legacy import deprecated 

41from .data import convert_operands, cvx2np, should_be_sparse 

42from .exp_affine import AffineExpression, ComplexAffineExpression, Constant 

43from .expression import Expression, refine_operands, validate_prediction 

44from .variables import BaseVariable 


46_API_START = api_start(globals()) 

47# ------------------------------- 




51r"""Maximum number of singular quadratic form perturbations. 


53PICOS uses NumPy either or CHOLMOD to compute a Cholesky decomposition of a 

54positive semidefinite quadratic form :math:`Q`. Both libraries require 

55:math:`Q` to be nonsingular, which is not a requirement on PICOS' end. 

56If either library rejects :math:`Q`, then PICOS provides a sequence of 

57:data:`PSD_PERTURBATIONS` perturbed quadratic forms :math:`Q + \epsilon I` for 

58increasing :math:`\epsilon` until the perturbed matrix is found positive 

59definite or until the largest :math:`\epsilon` was tested unsuccessfully. 


61If this is zero, PICOS will only decompose quadratic forms that are nonsingular. 

62If this is one, then only the largest epsilon is tested. 




66class QuadraticExpression(Expression): 

67 """A scalar quadratic expression of the form :math:`x^TQx + a^Tx + b`.""" 


69 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

70 # Initialization and factory methods. 

71 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


73 def __init__( 

74 self, string, quadraticPart={},, 

75 scalarFactors=None, copyDecomposition=None): 

76 r"""Initialize a scalar quadratic expression. 


78 This constructor is meant for internal use. As a user, you will most 

79 likely want to build expressions starting from 

80 :mod:`~picos.expressions.variables` or a :func:`~picos.Constant`. 


82 :param str string: A symbolic string description. 

83 :param quadraticPart: A :class:`dict` mapping PICOS variable pairs to 

84 CVXOPT matrices. Each entry :math:`(x, y) \mapsto A_{xy}` represents 

85 a quadratic form 

86 :math:`\operatorname{vec_x}(x)^T A_{xy} \operatorname{vec_y}(y)` 

87 where :math:`\operatorname{vec_x}` and :math:`\operatorname{vec_y}` 

88 refer to the isometric real 

89 :mod:`~.picos.expressions.vectorizations` that are used by PICOS 

90 internally to store the variables :math:`x` and :math:`y`, 

91 respectively. The quadratic part :math:`Q` of the expression is then 

92 given as :math:`Q = \sum_{x, y} A_{xy}`. 

93 :param affinePart: The affine part :math:`a^Tx + b` of the expression. 

94 :type affinePart: ~picos.expressions.AffineExpression 

95 :param scalarFactors: A pair :math:`(u, v)` with both :math:`u` and 

96 :math:`v` scalar real affine expressions representing a known 

97 :math:`x^TQx + a^Tx + b = uv` factorization of the expression. 

98 :type factorization: 

99 tuple(~picos.expressions.AffineExpression) 

100 :param copyDecomposition: Another quadratic expression with equal 

101 quadratic part whose quadratic part decomposition shall be copied. 

102 :type copyDecomposition: 

103 ~picos.expressions.QuadraticExpression 

104 """ 

105 # Ensure correct usage within PICOS. 

106 assert isinstance(quadraticPart, dict) and all( 

107 isinstance(xy, (tuple, list)) and len(xy) == 2 

108 and isinstance(xy[0], BaseVariable) 

109 and isinstance(xy[1], BaseVariable) 

110 and isinstance(A, (cvxopt.matrix, cvxopt.spmatrix)) 

111 and A.size == (xy[0].dim, xy[1].dim) 

112 for xy, A in quadraticPart.items()) 

113 assert isinstance(affinePart, ComplexAffineExpression) \ 

114 and len(affinePart) == 1 

115 assert not copyDecomposition \ 

116 or isinstance(copyDecomposition, QuadraticExpression) 

117 assert not scalarFactors or ( 

118 isinstance(scalarFactors, (tuple, list)) and len(scalarFactors) == 2 

119 and all(isinstance(x, AffineExpression) for x in scalarFactors) 

120 and all(x.scalar for x in scalarFactors)) 


122 Expression.__init__(self, "Quadratic Expression", string) 


124 # Check affine part. 

125 affinePart = affinePart.refined 

126 if not isinstance(affinePart, AffineExpression): 

127 raise NotImplementedError( 

128 "PICOS does not support complex-valued quadratic expressions " 

129 "and the affine part of {} is not real.".format(self._symbStr)) 

130 elif len(affinePart) != 1: 

131 raise TypeError("Affine part of {} is not scalar." 

132 .format(self._symbStr)) 


134 # Store quadratic part. 

135 self._quads = {} 

136 for xy, A in quadraticPart.items(): 

137 # Ignore coefficients that are already zero. 

138 if not A: 

139 continue 


141 if xy[0] is xy[1]: 

142 # Store the unique symmetric form for two reasons: 

143 # - Hermitian forms concerning the original variables are 

144 # supplied as quadratic forms concerning the isometric real 

145 # vectorizations of the variables. These matrices are in 

146 # general still complex, but their symmetric form is not. 

147 # - Coefficients that cancel out are set to numeric zeros and 

148 # can be converted to structural zeros by _sparse_quads. 

149 A = 0.5*(A + A.T) 

150 if hash(xy[1]) < hash(xy[0]): 

151 # Store only one coefficient per unordered pair. 

152 xy, A = (xy[1], xy[0]), A.T 


154 if xy in self._quads: 

155 self._quads[xy] = self._quads[xy] + A 

156 else: 

157 self._quads[xy] = A 


159 # Remove coefficients of zero. 

160 self._quads = {xy: A for xy, A in self._quads.items() if A} 


162 # Check if coefficients are real. 

163 for (x, y), A in self._quads.items(): 

164 if A.typecode == "z": 

165 if any(A.imag()): 

166 raise NotImplementedError( 

167 "PICOS does not support complex-valued quadratic " 

168 "expressions and the quadratic part of {} for variables" 

169 " {} and {} is not real or equivalent to a real form." 

170 .format(self._symbStr, x.string, y.string)) 


172 self._quads[xy] = A.real() 


174 # Store affine part. 

175 self._aff = affinePart 


177 # Store a known factorization into real scalars. 

178 if scalarFactors: 

179 a, b = scalarFactors 

180 if a.equals(b): 

181 self._sf = (a, a) # Speedup future equality checks. 

182 else: 

183 self._sf = (a, b) 

184 else: 

185 self._sf = None 


187 # Copy a decomposition from another quadratic expression. 

188 if copyDecomposition is not None: 

189 borrow_cache(self, copyDecomposition, ("_Q_and_x", "L", "quadroot")) 


191 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

192 # Abstract method implementations and method overridings, except _predict. 

193 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


195 @cached_unary_operator 

196 def _get_refined(self): 

197 if not self._quads: 

198 return self._aff.refined.renamed(self._symbStr) 

199 else: 

200 return self 


202 Subtype = namedtuple("Subtype", ( 

203 "convex", "concave", "qterms", "rank", "haslin", "factors")) 


205 @cached_unary_operator 

206 def _get_subtype(self): 

207 convex = self.convex 

208 concave = False if convex and self._quads else self.concave 

209 qterms = self.num_quad_terms 

210 haslin = not self._aff.constant 


212 try: 

213 if convex: 

214 rank = self.rank 

215 elif concave: 

216 rank = (-self).rank 

217 else: 

218 rank = None 

219 except ValueError: # No quadratic part. 

220 rank = 0 


222 factors = len(set(self._sf)) if self._sf else 0 


224 return self.Subtype(convex, concave, qterms, rank, haslin, factors) 


226 def _get_value(self): 

227 value = self._aff._get_value() 


229 for xy, A in self._quads.items(): 

230 x, y = xy 

231 xVal = x._get_internal_value() 

232 yVal = y._get_internal_value() 

233 value = value + xVal.T * A * yVal 


235 return value 


237 @cached_unary_operator 

238 def _get_mutables(self): 

239 return self._aff._get_mutables().union( 

240 var for vars in self._quads for var in vars) 


242 def _is_convex(self): 

243 try: 

244 self.L 

245 except ValueError: 

246 return True # Expression is affine. 

247 except ArithmeticError: 

248 return False 

249 else: 

250 return True 


252 def _is_concave(self): 

253 try: 

254 (-self).L 

255 except ValueError: 

256 return True # Expression is affine. 

257 except ArithmeticError: 

258 return False 

259 else: 

260 return True 


262 def _replace_mutables(self, mapping): 

263 name_map = { for old, new in mapping.items()} 


265 string = self.string 

266 if isinstance(string, glyphs.GlStr): 

267 string = string.reglyphed(name_map) 


269 quads = {(mapping[var1], mapping[var2]): coef 

270 for (var1, var2), coef in self._quads.items()} 


272 if not self._sf: 

273 sf = None 

274 elif self._sf[0] is self._sf[1]: 

275 sf = (self._sf[0]._replace_mutables(mapping),)*2 

276 else: 

277 sf = tuple(f._replace_mutables(mapping) for f in self._sf) 


279 return QuadraticExpression( 

280 string, quads, self.aff._replace_mutables(mapping), sf) 


282 def _freeze_mutables(self, freeze): 

283 # TODO: Allow freezing of quadratic expressions. 

284 raise NotImplementedError( 

285 "Partially freezing quadratic expressions is not yet supported.") 


287 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

288 # Python special method implementations, except constraint-creating ones. 

289 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


291 @classmethod 

292 def _add_sub(cls, self, other, add, forward): 

293 def affine_part_and_string(other_aff): 

294 if add: 

295 if forward: 

296 affine = self._aff + other_aff 

297 string = glyphs.clever_add(self.string, other.string) 

298 else: 

299 affine = other_aff + self._aff 

300 string = glyphs.clever_add(other.string, self.string) 

301 else: 

302 if forward: 

303 affine = self._aff - other_aff 

304 string = glyphs.clever_sub(self.string, other.string) 

305 else: 

306 affine = other_aff - self._aff 

307 string = glyphs.clever_sub(other.string, self.string) 


309 return affine, string 


311 if isinstance(other, cls): 

312 affine, string = affine_part_and_string(other._aff) 


314 quads = {} 

315 varPairs = set(self._quads.keys()).union(other._quads.keys()) 

316 for vars in varPairs: 

317 if vars in self._quads: 

318 if vars in other._quads: 

319 if add: 

320 quads[vars] = self._quads[vars] + other._quads[vars] 

321 elif forward: 

322 quads[vars] = self._quads[vars] - other._quads[vars] 

323 else: 

324 quads[vars] = other._quads[vars] - self._quads[vars] 

325 elif not add and not forward: 

326 quads[vars] = -self._quads[vars] 

327 else: 

328 quads[vars] = self._quads[vars] 

329 elif not add and forward: 

330 quads[vars] = -other._quads[vars] 

331 else: 

332 quads[vars] = other._quads[vars] 


334 return cls(string, quads, affine) 

335 elif isinstance(other, AffineExpression): 

336 affine, string = affine_part_and_string(other) 


338 if add or forward: 

339 quads = self._quads 

340 copy_ = self 

341 else: 

342 quads = {xy: -A for xy, A in self._quads.items()} 

343 copy_ = None 


345 return cls(string, quads, affine, copyDecomposition=copy_) 


347 if add: 

348 if forward: 

349 return Expression.__add__(self, other) 

350 else: 

351 return Expression.__radd__(self, other) 

352 else: 

353 if forward: 

354 return Expression.__sub__(self, other) 

355 else: 

356 return Expression.__rsub__(self, other) 


358 @convert_operands(sameShape=True) 

359 def __add__(self, other): 

360 """Denote addition from the right hand side.""" 

361 return QuadraticExpression._add_sub(self, other, True, True) 


363 @convert_operands(sameShape=True) 

364 def __radd__(self, other): 

365 """Denote addition from the left hand side.""" 

366 return QuadraticExpression._add_sub(self, other, True, False) 


368 @convert_operands(sameShape=True) 

369 def __sub__(self, other): 

370 """Denote substraction from the right hand side.""" 

371 return QuadraticExpression._add_sub(self, other, False, True) 


373 @convert_operands(sameShape=True) 

374 def __rsub__(self, other): 

375 """Denote substraction with self on the right hand side.""" 

376 return QuadraticExpression._add_sub(self, other, False, False) 


378 @cached_selfinverse_unary_operator 

379 def __neg__(self): 

380 string = glyphs.clever_neg(self.string) 

381 quads = {xy: -A for xy, A in self._quads.items()} 

382 affine = -self._aff 

383 factors = (self._sf[0], -self._sf[1]) if self._sf else None 


385 return QuadraticExpression(string, quads, affine, factors) 


387 @classmethod 

388 def _mul_div(cls, self, other, div, forward): 

389 assert not div or forward 


391 if isinstance(other, AffineExpression): 

392 if not other.constant: 

393 if div: 

394 # NIE as this would makes sense if dividing by a factor. 

395 raise NotImplementedError("You may only divide a quadratic " 

396 "expression by a constant term.") 

397 else: 

398 raise TypeError("You may only multiply a quadratic " 

399 "expression with a constant term.") 


401 factor = other.safe_value 


403 if not factor: 

404 if div: 

405 raise ZeroDivisionError( 

406 "Cannot divide {} by zero.".format(self.string)) 

407 else: 

408 return 

409 elif factor == 1: 

410 return self 

411 elif factor == -1: 

412 return -self 


414 if div: 

415 factor = 1 / factor 

416 affine = self._aff / other 

417 string = glyphs.div(self.string, other.string) 

418 elif forward: 

419 affine = self._aff * other 

420 string = glyphs.clever_mul(self.string, other.string) 

421 else: 

422 affine = other * self._aff 

423 string = glyphs.clever_mul(other.string, self.string) 


425 quads = {xy: factor*A for xy, A in self._quads.items()} 


427 if self._sf: 

428 r = factor**0.5 

429 if r.imag: 

430 factors = (r.imag*self._sf[0], -r.imag*self._sf[1]) 

431 elif self._sf[0] is self._sf[1]: 

432 factors = (r*self._sf[0],)*2 

433 else: 

434 factors = (r*self._sf[0], r*self._sf[1]) 

435 else: 

436 factors = None 


438 return cls(string, quads, affine, factors) 


440 if div: 

441 return Expression.__truediv__(self, other) 

442 elif forward: 

443 return Expression.__mul__(self, other) 

444 else: 

445 return Expression.__rmul__(self, other) 


447 @convert_operands(scalarRHS=True) 

448 def __mul__(self, other): 

449 """Denote scaling from the right hand side.""" 

450 return QuadraticExpression._mul_div(self, other, False, True) 


452 @convert_operands(scalarRHS=True) 

453 def __rmul__(self, other): 

454 """Denote scaling from the left hand side.""" 

455 return QuadraticExpression._mul_div(self, other, False, False) 


457 @convert_operands(scalarRHS=True) 

458 def __truediv__(self, other): 

459 """Denote division by a constant scalar.""" 

460 return QuadraticExpression._mul_div(self, other, True, True) 


462 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

463 # Decomposition related methods. 

464 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


466 @cached_property 

467 def _sparse_quads(self): 

468 """Quadratic coefficients (re-)cast to sparse matrices.""" 

469 return {xy: cvxopt.sparse(M) for xy, M in self._quads.items()} 


471 def _Q_and_x_or_A_and_y(self, augmentedMatrix): 

472 """Either :attr:`_Q_and_x` or :attr:`_A_and_y`.""" 

473 # Find occurences of the scalar entries of the variable's isometric real 

474 # vectorization in the quadratic part. 

475 nonzero = {} 

476 for (x, y), A in self._sparse_quads.items(): 

477 nonzero.setdefault(x, set()) 

478 nonzero.setdefault(y, set()) 


480 nonzero[x].update(A.I) 

481 nonzero[y].update(A.J) 


483 # For the augmented matrix, find additional linear occurences. 

484 if augmentedMatrix: 

485 for x, a in self._aff._sparse_linear_coefs.items(): 

486 nonzero.setdefault(x, set()) 

487 nonzero[x].update(a.I) 


489 nonzero = odict((var, sorted(nonzero[var])) 

490 for var in sorted(nonzero, key=lambda v: 


492 # Compute each (multidimensional) variable's offset in Q/A. 

493 offset, offsets = 0, {} 

494 for var, nz in nonzero.items(): 

495 offsets[var] = offset 

496 offset += len(nz) 


498 # Compute Q. 

499 V, I, J = [], [], [] 

500 for (x, y), A in self._sparse_quads.items(): 

501 B = A[nonzero[x], nonzero[y]] 


503 V.extend(B.V) 

504 I.extend(offsets[x] + i for i in B.I) 

505 J.extend(offsets[y] + j for j in B.J) 


507 # Turn Q into A if requested. 

508 if augmentedMatrix: 

509 for x, a in self._aff._sparse_linear_coefs.items(): 

510 b = a[nonzero[x]] 


512 V.extend(b.V) 

513 I.extend(offsets[x] + i for i in b.I) 

514 J.extend([offset]*len(b.J)) 


516 V.append(self._aff._constant_coef[0]) 

517 I.append(offset) 

518 J.append(offset) 


520 offset += 1 


522 # Finalize Q/A. 

523 Q = cvxopt.spmatrix(V, I, J, (offset,)*2, tc="d") 

524 Q = 0.5*(Q + Q.T) 


526 if not Q: 

527 if augmentedMatrix: 

528 raise ValueError( 

529 "The expression {} is zero.".format(self._symbStr)) 

530 else: 

531 raise ValueError( 

532 "The quadratic part of {} is zero.".format(self._symbStr)) 


534 # Compute x. 

535 x = None 

536 for var, nz in nonzero.items(): 

537 n, r = len(nz), var.dim 

538 F = cvxopt.spmatrix([1]*n, range(n), nz, (n, r)) 

539 y = AffineExpression( 

540 glyphs.Fn("F")(var.string), n, coefficients={var: F}) 

541 x = y if x is None else x // y 


543 # Turn x into y if requested. 

544 if augmentedMatrix: 

545 x = AffineExpression.from_constant(1) if x is None else x // 1 


547 return Q, x 


549 @cached_property 

550 def _Q_and_x(self): 

551 """Pair containing :attr:`Q` and :attr:`x`.""" 

552 return self._Q_and_x_or_A_and_y(augmentedMatrix=False) 


554 @cached_property 

555 def _A_and_y(self): 

556 """Pair containing :attr:`R` and :attr:`y`.""" 

557 return self._Q_and_x_or_A_and_y(augmentedMatrix=True) 


559 @property 

560 def Q(self): 

561 """The coefficient matrix :math:`Q` of the expression, condensed. 


563 This equals the :math:`Q` of the quadratic expression 

564 :math:`x^TQx + a^Tx + b` but with zero rows and columns removed. 


566 The vector :attr:`x` is a condensed version of :math:`x` that refers to 

567 this matrix, so that ``q.x.T*q.Q*q.x`` equals the quadratic part 

568 :math:`x^TQx` of the expression ``q``. 


570 :raises ValueError: When the quadratic part is zero. 

571 """ 

572 return self._Q_and_x[0] 


574 @property 

575 def x(self): 

576 """The stacked variable vector :math:`x` of the expression, condensed. 


578 This equals the :math:`x` of the quadratic expression 

579 :math:`x^TQx + a^Tx + b` but entries corresponding to zero rows and 

580 columns in :attr:`Q` are removed, so that ``q.x.T*q.Q*q.x`` equals the 

581 :math:`x^TQx` part of the expression ``q``. 


583 :raises ValueError: When the quadratic part is zero. 

584 """ 

585 return self._Q_and_x[1] 


587 @property 

588 def A(self): 

589 r"""An affine-augmented quadratic coefficient matrix, condensed. 


591 For a quadratic expression :math:`x^TQx + a^Tx + b`, this is 

592 :math:`A = \begin{bmatrix}Q&\frac{a}{2}\\\frac{a^T}{2}&b\end{bmatrix}` 

593 but with zero rows and columns removed. 


595 The vector :attr:`y` is a condensed version of :math:`x` that refers to 

596 this matrix, so that ``q.y.T*q.A*q.y`` equals the expression ``q``. 


598 :raises ValueError: When the expression is zero. 

599 """ 

600 return self._A_and_y[0] 


602 @property 

603 def y(self): 

604 """See :attr:`A`. 


606 :raises ValueError: When the expression is zero. 

607 """ 

608 return self._A_and_y[1] 


610 def _L_or_M(self, augmentedMatrix): 

611 """Either :attr:`L` or :attr:`M`.""" 

612 Q = self.A if augmentedMatrix else self.Q 

613 n = Q.size[0] 


615 # Define a sequence of small numbers for perturbation. 

616 # TODO: These numbers are empirical; find worst case values. 

617 spread = [abs(v) for v in Q.V if v] 

618 minEps = 1 * min(spread) * sys.float_info.epsilon 

619 maxEps = n * max(spread) * sys.float_info.epsilon 

620 epsilons = set([0.0]) 

621 for i in range(PSD_PERTURBATIONS): 

622 epsilons.add(minEps + i * (maxEps - minEps) / PSD_PERTURBATIONS) 

623 epsilons = sorted(epsilons) 


625 # Check if Q is really sparse. 

626 sparse = should_be_sparse(Q.size, len(Q)) 


628 # Attempt to find L. 

629 L = None 

630 if sparse: # Use CHOLMOD. 

631 F = None 

632 for eps in epsilons: 

633 P = Q + cvxopt.spdiag([eps]*n) if eps else Q # Perturbed Q. 


635 if F is None: 

636 F = cvxopt.cholmod.symbolic(P) 


638 try: 

639 cvxopt.cholmod.numeric(P, F) 

640 except ArithmeticError: 

641 pass 

642 else: 

643 L = cvxopt.cholmod.getfactor(F) 

644 break 

645 else: # Use NumPy. 

646 Q = cvx2np(Q) 

647 for eps in epsilons: 

648 P = Q + numpy.diag([eps]*n) if eps else Q # Perturbed Q. 


650 try: 

651 L = numpy.linalg.cholesky(P) 

652 except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: 

653 pass 

654 else: 

655 break 


657 if L is None: 


659 raise ArithmeticError("The expression {} has an (augmented) " 

660 "quadratic form that is either not positive semidefinite " 

661 "or singular. Try enabling PSD_PERTURBATIONS.") 

662 elif augmentedMatrix: 

663 raise ArithmeticError("The expression {} is not a squared norm " 

664 "as its {} representation is not positive semidefinite." 

665 .format(self._symbStr, glyphs.matrix(glyphs.vertcat( 

666 glyphs.horicat("Q", glyphs.div("a", 2)), 

667 glyphs.horicat(glyphs.div(glyphs.transp("a"), 2), "b") 

668 )))) 

669 else: 

670 raise ArithmeticError("The expression {} is not convex as its " 

671 "quadratic part is not positive semidefinite." 

672 .format(self._symbStr)) 


674 # Remove near-zeros in the order of n·sqrt(maxEps). 

675 cutoff = 2 * n * maxEps**0.5 

676 if sparse: 

677 VIJ = list(t for t in zip(L.V, L.I, L.J) if abs(t[0]) > cutoff) 

678 if VIJ: # Don't zero the matrix. 

679 V, I, J = zip(*VIJ) 

680 L = cvxopt.spmatrix(V, I, J, L.size) 

681 else: 

682 mask = abs(L) <= cutoff 

683 if not numpy.all(mask): # Don't zero the matrix. 

684 L[mask] = 0 

685 L = cvxopt.sparse(cvxopt.matrix(L)) 


687 return L 


689 @cached_property 

690 def L(self): 

691 """The :math:`L` of an :math:`LL^T` Cholesky decomposition of :attr:`Q`. 


693 :returns: A CVXOPT lower triangular sparse matrix. 


695 :raises ValueError: When the quadratic part is zero. 

696 :raises ArithmeticError: When the expression is not convex, that is when 

697 the matrix :attr:`Q` is not numerically positive semidefinite. 

698 """ 

699 return self._L_or_M(augmentedMatrix=False) 


701 @cached_property 

702 def M(self): 

703 """The :math:`M` of an :math:`MM^T` Cholesky decomposition of :attr:`A`. 


705 :returns: A CVXOPT lower triangular sparse matrix. 


707 :raises ValueError: When the expression is zero. 

708 :raises ArithmeticError: When the expression can not be written as a 

709 squared norm, that is when the extended matrix :attr:`A` is not 

710 numerically positive semidefinite. 

711 """ 

712 return self._L_or_M(augmentedMatrix=True) 


714 @cached_property 

715 def quadroot(self): 

716 r"""Affine expression whose squared norm equals :math:`x^TQx`. 


718 For a convex quadratic expression ``q``, this is equal to the vector 

719 ``q.L.T*q.x`` with zero rows removed. 


721 :Construction: 


723 Let :math:`x^TQx` be the quadratic part of the expression with :math:`Q` 

724 positive semidefinite and :math:`Q = LL^T` a Cholesky decomposition. 

725 Then, 


727 .. math:: 

728 x^TQx 

729 &= x^TLL^Tx \\ 

730 &= (L^Tx)^TL^Tx \\ 

731 &= \langle L^Tx, L^Tx \rangle \\ 

732 &= \lVert L^Tx \rVert^2. 


734 Note that removing zero rows from :math:`L^Tx` does not affect the norm. 


736 :raises ValueError: When the quadratic part is zero. 

737 :raises ArithmeticError: When the expression is not convex, that is when 

738 the quadratic part is not numerically positive semidefinite. 

739 """ 

740 L = self.L 

741 n = L.size[0] 

742 nz = sorted(set(L.J)) 

743 nnz = len(nz) 


745 # F removes rows corresponding to zero columns in L. 

746 F = cvxopt.spmatrix([1.0]*nnz, range(nnz), nz, (nnz, n)) 


748 result = (F*L.T)*self.x 

749 # NOTE: AffineExpression.__mul__ always creates a fresh expression. 

750 result._symbStr = glyphs.Fn("quadroot({})")(self.string) 

751 return result 


753 @cached_property 

754 def fullroot(self): 

755 r"""Affine expression whose squared norm equals the expression. 


757 For a convex quadratic expression ``q``, this is equal to the vector 

758 ``q.M.T*q.y`` with zero rows removed. 


760 :Construction: 


762 For a quadratic expression :math:`x^TQx + a^Tx + b` with 

763 :math:`A = \begin{bmatrix}Q&\frac{a}{2}\\\frac{a^T}{2}&b\end{bmatrix}` 

764 positive semidefinite, let :math:`A = MM^T` be a Cholesky decomposition. 

765 Let further :math:`y = \begin{bmatrix}x^T & 1\end{bmatrix}^T`. Then, 


767 .. math:: 

768 x^TQx + a^Tx + b 

769 &= y^TAy \\ 

770 &= y^TMM^Ty \\ 

771 &= (M^Ty)^TM^Ty \\ 

772 &= \langle M^Ty, M^Ty \rangle \\ 

773 &= \lVert M^Ty \rVert^2. 


775 Note that removing zero rows from :math:`M^Ty` does not affect the norm. 


777 :raises ValueError: When the expression is zero. 

778 :raises ArithmeticError: When the expression is not convex, that is when 

779 the quadratic part is not numerically positive semidefinite. 

780 """ 

781 M = self.M 

782 n = M.size[0] 

783 nz = sorted(set(M.J)) 

784 nnz = len(nz) 


786 # F removes rows corresponding to zero columns in M. 

787 F = cvxopt.spmatrix([1.0]*nnz, range(nnz), nz, (nnz, n)) 


789 result = (F*M.T)*self.y 

790 # NOTE: AffineExpression.__mul__ always creates a fresh expression. 

791 result._symbStr = glyphs.Fn("fullroot({})")(self.string) 

792 return result 


794 @property 

795 def rank(self): 

796 """The length of the vector :attr:`quadroot`. 


798 Up to numerical considerations, this is the rank of the (convex) 

799 quadratic coefficient matrix :math:`Q` of the expression. 


801 :raises ArithmeticError: When the expression is not convex, that is when 

802 the quadratic part is not numerically positive semidefinite. 

803 """ 

804 try: 

805 return len(self.quadroot) 

806 except ValueError: 

807 return 0 # No quadratic part. 


809 @cached_property 

810 def num_quad_terms(self): 

811 """The number of terms in the simplified quadratic form.""" 

812 num_terms = 0 

813 for A in self._sparse_quads.values(): 

814 for i, j in zip(A.I, A.J): 

815 if i >= j: 

816 num_terms += 1 

817 return num_terms 


819 @property 

820 def is_squared_norm(self): 

821 r"""Whether the expression can be written as a squared norm. 


823 If this is :obj:`True`, then the there is a coefficient vector 

824 :math:`c` such that 


826 .. math:: 

827 \lVert c^T \begin{bmatrix} x \\ 1 \end{bmatrix} \rVert^2 

828 = x^TQx + a^Tx + b. 


830 If the expression is also nonzero, then :attr:`fullroot` is 

831 :math:`c^T \begin{bmatrix} x^T & 1 \end{bmatrix}^T` with zero entries 

832 removed. 

833 """ 

834 try: 

835 self.M 

836 except ValueError: 

837 assert self.is0 

838 return True 

839 except ArithmeticError: 

840 return False 

841 else: 

842 return True 


844 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

845 # Properties and functions that describe the expression. 

846 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


848 @property 

849 @deprecated("2.2", "This property will be removed in a future release.") 

850 def quadratic_forms(self): 

851 """The quadratic forms as a map from variable pairs to sparse matrices. 


853 .. warning:: 


855 Do not modify the returned matrices. 

856 """ 

857 return MappingProxyType(self._sparse_quads) 


859 @property 

860 def is0(self): 

861 """Whether the quadratic expression is zero.""" 

862 return not self._quads and self._aff.is0 


864 @property 

865 def scalar_factors(self): 

866 r"""Decomposition into scalar real affine expressions. 


868 If the expression is known to be equal to :math:`ab` for scalar real 

869 affine expressions :math:`a` and :math:`b`, this is the pair ``(a, b)``. 

870 Otherwise, this is :obj:`None`. 


872 Note that if :math:`a = b`, then also ``a is b`` in the returned tuple. 

873 """ 

874 return self._sf 


876 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

877 # Methods and properties that return modified copies. 

878 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


880 @cached_property 

881 def quad(self): 

882 """Quadratic part :math:`x^TQx` of the quadratic expression.""" 

883 factors = self._sf if self._sf and self._aff.is0 else None 


885 return QuadraticExpression(glyphs.quadpart(self._symbStr), self._quads, 

886 scalarFactors=factors, copyDecomposition=self) 


888 @cached_property 

889 def aff(self): 

890 """Affine part :math:`a^Tx + b` of the quadratic expression.""" 

891 return self._aff.renamed(glyphs.affpart(self._symbStr)) 


893 @cached_property 

894 def lin(self): 

895 """Linear part :math:`a^Tx` of the quadratic expression.""" 

896 return self._aff.lin.renamed(glyphs.linpart(self._symbStr)) 


898 @cached_property 

899 def cst(self): 

900 """Constant part :math:`b` of the quadratic expression.""" 

901 return self._aff.cst.renamed(glyphs.cstpart(self._symbStr)) 


903 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

904 # Constraint-creating operators, and _predict. 

905 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


907 @classmethod 

908 def _predict(cls, subtype, relation, other): 

909 assert isinstance(subtype, cls.Subtype) 


911 if issubclass(other.clstype, QuadraticExpression): 

912 raise NotImplementedError("Constraint outcome prediction not " 

913 "supported when comparing two quadratic expressions.") 


915 if relation == operator.__le__: 

916 if issubclass(other.clstype, AffineExpression) \ 

917 and other.subtype.dim == 1: 

918 if subtype.convex: 

919 return ConvexQuadraticConstraint.make_type( 

920 qterms=subtype.qterms, rank=subtype.rank, 

921 haslin=(subtype.haslin or not other.subtype.constant)) 

922 else: 

923 return NonconvexQuadraticConstraint.make_type( 

924 qterms=subtype.qterms) 

925 elif relation == operator.__ge__: 

926 if issubclass(other.clstype, AffineExpression) \ 

927 and other.subtype.dim == 1: 

928 if subtype.concave: 

929 return ConvexQuadraticConstraint.make_type( 

930 qterms=subtype.qterms, rank=subtype.rank, 

931 haslin=(subtype.haslin or not other.subtype.constant)) 

932 elif subtype.factors and other.subtype.constant \ 

933 and other.subtype.nonneg: 

934 # See __ge__ for the variants below. 


936 # Variant 1: 

937 return ConicQuadraticConstraint.make_type( 

938 qterms=subtype.qterms, conic_argdim=1, 

939 rotated=(subtype.factors == 2)) 


941 # Variant 2: 

942 # return RSOCConstraint.make_type(argdim=1) 


944 # Variant 3: 

945 # if subtype.factors == 1: 

946 # return AffineConstraint.make_type(dim=1, eq=False) 

947 # else: 

948 # return RSOCConstraint.make_type(argdim=1) 

949 else: 

950 return NonconvexQuadraticConstraint.make_type( 

951 qterms=subtype.qterms) 


953 return NotImplemented 


955 @convert_operands(sameShape=True) 

956 @validate_prediction 

957 @refine_operands() 

958 def __le__(self, other): 

959 LE = Constraint.LE 


961 if isinstance(other, QuadraticExpression): 

962 le0 = self - other # Unpredictable outcome. 

963 if le0.convex: 

964 return ConvexQuadraticConstraint(self, LE, other) 

965 elif self.is_squared_norm and other.scalar_factors: 

966 return ConicQuadraticConstraint(self, LE, other) 

967 else: 

968 return NonconvexQuadraticConstraint(self, LE, other) 

969 elif isinstance(other, AffineExpression): 

970 if self.convex: 

971 return ConvexQuadraticConstraint(self, LE, other) 

972 else: 

973 return NonconvexQuadraticConstraint(self, LE, other) 

974 else: 

975 return NotImplemented 


977 @convert_operands(sameShape=True) 

978 @validate_prediction 

979 @refine_operands() 

980 def __ge__(self, other): 

981 GE = Constraint.GE 


983 if isinstance(other, QuadraticExpression): 

984 le0 = other - self # Unpredictable outcome. 

985 if le0.convex: 

986 return ConvexQuadraticConstraint(self, GE, other) 

987 elif other.is_squared_norm and self.scalar_factors: 

988 return ConicQuadraticConstraint(self, GE, other) 

989 else: 

990 return NonconvexQuadraticConstraint(self, GE, other) 

991 elif isinstance(other, AffineExpression): 

992 if self.concave: 

993 return ConvexQuadraticConstraint(self, GE, other) 

994 elif self._sf and other.constant and other.value >= 0: 

995 # Handle the case of c <= x*x and c <= x*y with c pos. constant. 

996 root = Constant(glyphs.sqrt(other.string), other.value**0.5) 


998 # Variant 1: Return a ConicQuadraticConstraint that can be 

999 # reformulated to an (R)SOCConstraint. This is consistent 

1000 # with all other quadratic expression comparison outcomes. 

1001 other = QuadraticExpression(other.string, affinePart=other, 

1002 scalarFactors=(root, root)) # Unrefined QE. 

1003 return ConicQuadraticConstraint(self, GE, other) 


1005 # Variant 2: Return an RSOCConstraint. This is somewhat 

1006 # consistent with Norm returning an SOCConstraint and it is 

1007 # also legacy behavior. However this may not be what the 

1008 # user wants, because it silently forces x, y >= 0! 

1009 # return RSOCConstraint(root, self._sf[0], self._sf[1], 

1010 # customString = glyphs.le(other.string, self.string)) 


1012 # Variant 3: Return either an RSOCConstraint or an affine 

1013 # constraint that equals an SOCConstraint. This is faster 

1014 # than Variant 2 but even more confusing, because the 

1015 # constraint would transform from e.g. 1 <= x*x to 

1016 # sqrt(1) <= x without any mention of cones. 

1017 # if self._sf[0] is self._sf[1]: 

1018 # # NOTE: The following is not allowed by SOCConstraint 

1019 # # since this is effectively an affine constraint. 

1020 # # return SOCConstraint(root, self._sf[0]) 

1021 # 

1022 # return root <= self._sf[0] 

1023 # else: 

1024 # return RSOCConstraint(root, *self._sf) 

1025 else: 

1026 return NonconvexQuadraticConstraint(self, GE, other) 

1027 else: 

1028 return NotImplemented 



1031# -------------------------------------- 

1032__all__ = api_end(_API_START, globals())