Source code for picos.solvers.solver_mosek

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# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Maximilian Stahlberg
# This file is part of PICOS.
# PICOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
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"""Implementation of :class:`MOSEKSolver`."""

import math
import sys

import cvxopt

from ..apidoc import api_end, api_start
from ..constraints import (AffineConstraint, ConvexQuadraticConstraint,
                           DummyConstraint, LMIConstraint, RSOCConstraint,
from ..expressions import (AffineExpression, BinaryVariable, IntegerVariable,
                           QuadraticExpression, SymmetricVariable)
from ..modeling.footprint import Specification
from ..modeling.solution import (PS_FEASIBLE, PS_ILLPOSED, PS_INFEASIBLE,
                                 PS_UNBOUNDED, PS_UNKNOWN, SS_FEASIBLE,
                                 SS_INFEASIBLE, SS_OPTIMAL, SS_UNKNOWN)
from .solver import ProblemUpdateError, Solver

_API_START = api_start(globals())
# -------------------------------

[docs]class MOSEKSolver(Solver): """Interface to the MOSEK solver via its low level Optimizer API. Supports both MOSEK 8 and 9. The low level API is tedious to interface, but is currently much faster than the high level Fusion API, which would be the prefered interface otherwise. """ SUPPORTED = Specification( objectives=[ AffineExpression, QuadraticExpression], constraints=[ DummyConstraint, AffineConstraint, SOCConstraint, RSOCConstraint, ConvexQuadraticConstraint, LMIConstraint])
[docs] @classmethod def supports(cls, footprint, explain=False): """Implement :meth:`~.solver.Solver.supports`.""" result = Solver.supports(footprint, explain) if not result or (explain and not result[0]): return result # No nonconvex quadratic objectives. if footprint.nonconvex_quadratic_objective: if explain: return False, "Problems with nonconvex quadratic objectives." else: return False conic = any(("con", constraint) in footprint for constraint in (SOCConstraint, RSOCConstraint, LMIConstraint)) quadratic = footprint.objective.clstype is QuadraticExpression \ or ("con", ConvexQuadraticConstraint) in footprint # No mixing of quadratic and conic problems. if conic and quadratic: if explain: return (False, "Problems that mix conic and quadratic constraints.") else: return False # No integer SDPs. if footprint.integer and ("con", LMIConstraint) in footprint: if explain: return False, "Integer Semidefinite Programs." else: return False if footprint not in cls.SUPPORTED: if explain: return False, cls.SUPPORTED.mismatch_reason(footprint) else: return False return (True, None) if explain else True
[docs] @classmethod def default_penalty(cls): """Implement :meth:`~.solver.Solver.default_penalty`.""" return 0.0 # Commercial solver.
[docs] @classmethod def test_availability(cls): """Implement :meth:`~.solver.Solver.test_availability`.""" cls.check_import("mosek")
[docs] @classmethod def names(cls): """Implement :meth:`~.solver.Solver.names`.""" return "mosek", "MOSEK", "MOSEK", "Optimizer API"
[docs] @classmethod def is_free(cls): """Implement :meth:`~.solver.Solver.is_free`.""" return False
[docs] def __init__(self, problem): """Initialize a MOSEK (Optimizer) solver interface. :param ~picos.Problem problem: The problem to be solved. """ super(MOSEKSolver, self).__init__(problem) self._mosekVarOffset = dict() """Maps a PICOS variable to a MOSEK scalar variable offset.""" self._mosekBarVarIndex = dict() """Maps suited PICOS symmetric variables to a MOSEK bar var index.""" self._mosekLinConOffset = dict() """Maps a PICOS linear constraint to a MOSEK constraint offset.""" self._mosekQuadConIndex = dict() """Maps a PICOS quadratic constraint to a MOSEK constraint index.""" self._mosekCone = dict() """ Maps a PICOS SOCC or RSOCC to a triple: - The first entry is the index of a MOSEK conic constraint. - The second entry is a list of MOSEK scalar (auxiliary) variable indices that appear in the MOSEK conic constraint. - The third entry is another list of same size containing auxiliary constraints (or None). If an entry in the second list is None, then the corresponding index in the first list is of a proper MOSEK scalar variable instead of an auxiliary one, which can happen at most once per variable and only if the structure of the PICOS constraint allows it (that is, if the repspective entry of the cone member happens to be a PICOS scalar variable as opposed to a composed affine expression). """ self._mosekLMI = dict() """Maps a PICOS LMI to a pair representing its MOSEK representation. The first entry is the index of a MOSEK symmetric PSD "bar variable", the second entry is the offset for a number of scalar linear equalities.""" self._mosekBarUnitCoefs = dict() """Maps the row (column) count of a symmetric matrix to a list of MOSEK symmetric coefficient matrices. More precisely, if X is a n×n symmetric matrix, 0 ≤ k ≤ n*(n+1)/2, then <_mosekBarUnitCoefs[n][k], X> = h(X)[k] where h refers to the lower-triangular, column-major half-vectorization of X. These matrices are used to represent LMIs. Unlike values of _mosekLMI, they are shared between LMIs of same size."""
[docs] def reset_problem(self): """Implement :meth:`~.solver.Solver.reset_problem`.""" = None self._mosekVarOffset.clear() self._mosekBarVarIndex.clear() self._mosekLinConOffset.clear() self._mosekQuadConIndex.clear() self._mosekCone.clear() self._mosekLMI.clear() self._mosekBarUnitCoefs.clear()
@classmethod def _get_environment(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "mosekEnvironment"): import mosek cls.mosekEnvironment = mosek.Env() return cls.mosekEnvironment env = property(lambda self: self.__class__._get_environment()) """This references a MOSEK environment, which is shared among all MOSEKSolver instances. (The MOSEK documentation states that "[a]ll tasks in the program should share the same environment.")""" @classmethod def _get_major_version(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "mosekVersion"): import mosek cls.mosekVersion = mosek.Env.getversion() return cls.mosekVersion[0] ver = property(lambda self: self.__class__._get_major_version()) """The major version of the available MOSEK library.""" @staticmethod def _streamprinter(text): sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush() @staticmethod def _low_tri_indices(rowCount): """Yield enumerated lower triangular indices in column-major order.""" lti = 0 for col in range(rowCount): for row in range(col, rowCount): yield lti, row, col lti += 1 def _affinexp_pic2msk(self, picosExpression): """Convert a PICOS affine expression to a MOSEK one. :yield: A sequence of quintuples ``(J, V, K, W, c)``, each corresponding to one scalar entry of a multidimensional PICOS affine expression, where ``J`` are MOSEK scalar variable indices, ``V`` are associated coefficients, ``K`` are MOSEK bar var (symmetric positive semidefinite variable) indices, ``W`` are indices of associated coefficient matrices and where ``c`` is a scalar constant. """ # Handle the base case (no bar vars in the problem) quickly. if not self._mosekBarVarIndex: for J, V, c in picosExpression.sparse_rows(self._mosekVarOffset): yield J, V, (), (), c return barVarIndices = tuple([] for _ in range(len(picosExpression))) barVarCoefs = tuple([] for _ in range(len(picosExpression))) for var, coef in picosExpression._linear_coefs.items(): if var in self._mosekBarVarIndex: mosekBarVarIndex = self._mosekBarVarIndex[var] assert isinstance(var, SymmetricVariable) n = var.shape[0] for localIndex in range(coef.size[0]): localCoef = coef[localIndex, :] if not localCoef: continue # Devectorize local coefficient. # This works as c.T * svec(X) = <desvec(c), X> due to svec # and its inverse desvec being isometric isomorphisms. localCoefMatrix = var._vec.devectorize(localCoef.T) assert localCoefMatrix.size == (n, n) # Get lower triangular sparse rows for the coefficient. # NOTE: This is much faster than using _low_low_tri_indices. I, J, V = [], [], [] for j in range(n): for i in range(j, n): v = localCoefMatrix[i, j] if v: I.append(i) J.append(j) V.append(v) # Create a new MOSEK symmetric coefficient matrix. # NOTE: It does not seem possible to remove these matrices # in MOSEK 9.2 so we might leak memory whenever they # fall out of use (e.g. objective function updates). mosekCoefMatrix =, I, J, V) # Append bar var index and coefficient matrix index. barVarIndices[localIndex].append(mosekBarVarIndex) barVarCoefs[localIndex].append(mosekCoefMatrix) rows = enumerate(picosExpression.sparse_rows(self._mosekVarOffset)) for localIndex, (J, V, c) in rows: K, W = barVarIndices[localIndex], barVarCoefs[localIndex] yield J, V, K, W, c def _scalar_affinexp_pic2msk(self, picosExpression): assert len(picosExpression) == 1 return next(self._affinexp_pic2msk(picosExpression)) def _quadexp_pic2msk(self, picosExpression): """Transform a quadratic expression from PICOS to MOSEK. Tranforms the quadratic part of a PICOS quadratic expression to a symmetric, sparse biliniar form of which only the lower triangular entries are given, and that can be used with MOSEK's variable vector. Note that MOSEK applies a built-in factor of 0.5 to all biliniar forms while PICOS doesn't, so a factor of 2 is applied here to cancel it out. """ assert isinstance(picosExpression, QuadraticExpression) numVars = # Mixing of conic and quadratic constraints is not supported by MOSEK; # therefor we do not handle bar vars here. assert not self._mosekBarVarIndex # Make a sparse representation of the strict lower, diagonal and strict # upper parts of the matrix. IL, JL, VL = [], [], [] ID, JD, VD = [], [], [] IU, JU, VU = [], [], [] for (picosVar1, picosVar2), picosCoefs \ in picosExpression._sparse_quads.items(): for sparseIndex in range(len(picosCoefs)): localVar1Index = picosCoefs.I[sparseIndex] localVar2Index = picosCoefs.J[sparseIndex] localCoefficient = picosCoefs.V[sparseIndex] mskVar1Index = self._mosekVarOffset[picosVar1] + localVar1Index mskVar2Index = self._mosekVarOffset[picosVar2] + localVar2Index if mskVar2Index < mskVar1Index: I, J, V = IL, JL, VL elif mskVar1Index < mskVar2Index: I, J, V = IU, JU, VU else: I, J, V = ID, JD, VD I.append(mskVar1Index) J.append(mskVar2Index) V.append(localCoefficient) # Compute the lower triangular part of the biliniar form. L = cvxopt.spmatrix(VL, IL, JL, (numVars, numVars)) D = cvxopt.spmatrix(VD, ID, JD, (numVars, numVars)) U = cvxopt.spmatrix(VU, IU, JU, (numVars, numVars)) Q = 2*D + L + U.T # Return it as a sparse triple for MOSEK to consume. return list(Q.I), list(Q.J), list(Q.V) def _import_variable(self, picosVar): import mosek numVars = self._mosekVarOffset[picosVar] = dim = picosVar.dim indices = range(numVars, numVars + dim) # Set the variable type. if isinstance(picosVar, (IntegerVariable, BinaryVariable)): indices, [mosek.variabletype.type_int]*dim) # Import bounds, including the implied bounds of a BinaryVariable. if isinstance(picosVar, BinaryVariable): indices, [mosek.boundkey.ra]*dim, [0]*dim, [1]*dim) else: boundKeys = []*dim lowerBounds = [0.0]*dim upperBounds = [0.0]*dim lower, upper = picosVar.bound_dicts for i, b in lower.items(): boundKeys[i] = mosek.boundkey.lo lowerBounds[i] = b for i, b in upper.items(): if boundKeys[i] == boundKeys[i] = mosek.boundkey.up else: # Also has a lower bound. if lowerBounds[i] == b: boundKeys[i] = mosek.boundkey.fx else: boundKeys[i] = mosek.boundkey.ra upperBounds[i] = b indices, boundKeys, lowerBounds, upperBounds) def _import_psd_variable(self, picosVar): assert isinstance(picosVar, SymmetricVariable) self._mosekBarVarIndex[picosVar] =[picosVar.shape[0]]) def _import_linear_constraint(self, picosConstraint): import mosek numCons = conLen = len(picosConstraint) if picosConstraint.is_equality(): boundKey = mosek.boundkey.fx elif picosConstraint.is_increasing(): boundKey = mosek.boundkey.up else: boundKey = mosek.boundkey.lo rows = self._affinexp_pic2msk(picosConstraint.lhs - picosConstraint.rhs) for localConIndex, (J, V, K, W, c) in enumerate(rows): mosekConIndex = numCons + localConIndex rhs = -c, J, V) for k, w in zip(K, W):, k, [w], [1.0]), boundKey, rhs, rhs) self._mosekLinConOffset[picosConstraint] = numCons def _import_quad_constraint(self, picosConstraint): # Mixing of conic and quadratic constraints is not supported by MOSEK; # therefor we do not handle bar vars here. assert not self._mosekBarVarIndex # Import the linear part first. picosLinConPart = picosConstraint.le0.aff < 0 self._import_linear_constraint(picosLinConPart) mosekConIndex = self._mosekLinConOffset.pop(picosLinConPart) # Add the quadratic part. mosekConIndex, *self._quadexp_pic2msk(picosConstraint.le0)) self._mosekQuadConIndex[picosConstraint] = mosekConIndex def _var_was_used_in_cone(self, mosekVariableIndex, usedJustNow=[]): if mosekVariableIndex in usedJustNow: return True for _, mosekVarIndices, _ in self._mosekCone.values(): if mosekVariableIndex in mosekVarIndices: return True return False def _import_quad_conic_constraint(self, picosConstraint): import mosek isRotated = isinstance(picosConstraint, RSOCConstraint) mosekVars, mosekCons = [], [None]*len(picosConstraint) # Get an initial MOSEK representation of the cone member. entries = [] if isRotated: # MOSEK internally adds a factor of 2 to the upper bound while PICOS # doesn't, so cancel it out by adding a factor of 1/sqrt(2) to both # factors of the upper bound. f = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0) entries.append(self._scalar_affinexp_pic2msk(f*picosConstraint.ub1)) entries.append(self._scalar_affinexp_pic2msk(f*picosConstraint.ub2)) else: entries.append(self._scalar_affinexp_pic2msk(picosConstraint.ub)) entries.extend(self._affinexp_pic2msk( # Map cone member entries to existing MOSEK variables, if possible. mosekVarsMissing = [] for scalarVarNum, (J, V, K, W, c) in enumerate(entries): if len(J) == 1 and V[0] == 1.0 and not K and not W and not c \ and not self._var_was_used_in_cone(J[0], mosekVars): mosekVars.append(J[0]) else: mosekVars.append(None) mosekVarsMissing.append(scalarVarNum) # Create auxiliary variables and constraints. numAux = len(mosekVarsMissing) auxVarOffset = auxConOffset = # Mosek fixes (!) new variables at zero, so set them free., auxVarOffset + numAux), []*numAux, [0.0]*numAux, [0.0]*numAux) # Constrain the auxiliary variables to be equal to the cone member # entries for which no existing MOSEK variable could be used. # TODO: Instead of always creating a constraint, fix variables via their # bound whenever possible. for auxNum, missingVarIndex in enumerate(mosekVarsMissing): auxVarIndex = auxVarOffset + auxNum auxConIndex = auxConOffset + auxNum # Prepare the auxiliary constraint. J, V, K, W, c = entries[missingVarIndex] if self._debug(): self._debug(" Adding MOSEK auxiliary constraint: " "{}.T * x{}{} = {}" .format(V, J, " + f(barvars)" if K else "", -c)) # Add the auxiliary constraint., J, V), auxVarIndex, -1.0) for k, w in zip(K, W):, k, [w], [1.0]), mosek.boundkey.fx, -c, -c) # Complete the mapping of cone member entries to MOSEK (auxiliary) # variables (and auxiliary constraints). mosekVars[missingVarIndex] = auxVarIndex mosekCons[missingVarIndex] = auxConIndex if self._debug(): self._debug(" Adding MOSEK conic constraint: {} in {}".format( mosekVars, "Qr" if isRotated else "Q")) # Add the conic constraint. coneIndex = mosekCone = mosek.conetype.rquad if isRotated else mosek.conetype.quad, 0.0, mosekVars) self._mosekCone[picosConstraint] = (coneIndex, mosekVars, mosekCons) def _import_sdp_constraint(self, picosConstraint): # NOTE: Trivial LMIs of the form X ≽ 0 are loaded as bar vars instead. import mosek n = picosConstraint.size[0] dim = (n*(n + 1)) // 2 # MOSEK does not support general LMIs but so called "bar vars" which # are variables in the symmetric positive semidefinite cone. We use them # in combination with linear equalities to represent the LMI. barVar = mosekConOffset =[n]) # MOSEK uses a storage of symmetric coefficient matrices that are used # as dot product coefficients to build scalar constraints involving both # "bar vars" and normal scalar variables. We build a couple of these # matrices to be able to select individual entries of our "bar vars". # More precisely, if X is a n×n symmetric matrix and 0 ≤ k ≤ n*(n+1)/2, # then <Units[n][k],X> = h(X)[k] where h refers to the lower-triangular, # column-major half-vectorization of X. if n in self._mosekBarUnitCoefs: Units = self._mosekBarUnitCoefs[n] else: Units = self._mosekBarUnitCoefs[n] = [ n, [row], [col], [1.0 if row == col else 0.5]) for col in range(n) for row in range(col, n)] # We iterate over the lower triangular scalar sub-expressions of the # expression that the PICOS constraint states to be PSD, and constrain # them to be eqal to the MOSEK "bar var" at the same index. psdRows = tuple(self._affinexp_pic2msk(picosConstraint.psd)) for lowTriIndex, row, col in self._low_tri_indices(n): mosekConIndex = mosekConOffset + lowTriIndex J, V, K, W, c = psdRows[row + n*col] rhs = -c # The lower-triangular entries in the PSD-constrained matrix …, J, V) for k, w in zip(K, W):, k, [w], [1.0]) # … minus the corresponding bar var entries … mosekConIndex, barVar, [Units[lowTriIndex]], [-1.0]) # … should equal zero., mosek.boundkey.fx, rhs, rhs) if self._debug(): self._debug(" Index {} ({}, {}): J = {}, V = {}, ..." .format(lowTriIndex, row, col, J, V)) self._mosekLMI[picosConstraint] = (barVar, mosekConOffset) def _import_constraint(self, picosConstraint): if self._debug(): self._debug("Importing Constraint: {}".format(picosConstraint)) if isinstance(picosConstraint, AffineConstraint): self._import_linear_constraint(picosConstraint) elif isinstance(picosConstraint, ConvexQuadraticConstraint): self._import_quad_constraint(picosConstraint) elif isinstance(picosConstraint, SOCConstraint) \ or isinstance(picosConstraint, RSOCConstraint): self._import_quad_conic_constraint(picosConstraint) elif isinstance(picosConstraint, LMIConstraint): self._import_sdp_constraint(picosConstraint) else: assert isinstance(picosConstraint, DummyConstraint), \ "Unexpected constraint type: {}".format( picosConstraint.__class__.__name__) def _reset_objective(self): numVars = numBarVars = # Reset affine part., [0.0]*numVars) for k in range(numBarVars):, [], []) # Reset quadratic part.[], [], []) def _import_affine_objective(self, picosObjective): J, V, K, W, c = self._scalar_affinexp_pic2msk(picosObjective), V) for k, w in zip(K, W):, [w], [1.0]) def _import_quadratic_objective(self, picosObjective): # Mixing of conic and quadratic constraints is not supported by MOSEK; # therefor we do not handle bar vars here. assert not self._mosekBarVarIndex # Import the quadratic part.*self._quadexp_pic2msk(picosObjective)) # Import the affine part. self._import_affine_objective(picosObjective.aff) def _import_objective(self): import mosek picosSense, picosObjective = # Import objective sense. if picosSense == "min": else: assert picosSense == "max" # Import objective function. if isinstance(picosObjective, AffineExpression): self._import_affine_objective(picosObjective) else: assert isinstance(picosObjective, QuadraticExpression) self._import_quadratic_objective(picosObjective) def _import_problem(self): # Create a problem instance. = self.env.Task() # Convert trivial LMIs and their symmetric variable into a PSD variable. # This allows the constraint to be loaded more efficiently. constraints, psdVars = [], set() for constraint in self.ext.constraints.values(): if isinstance(constraint, LMIConstraint) and constraint.semidefVar: psdVars.add(constraint.semidefVar) else: constraints.append(constraint) # Import normal variables. for variable in self.ext.variables.values(): if variable not in psdVars: self._import_variable(variable) # Import virtual PSD variables as MOSEK "bar variables". for variable in psdVars: self._import_psd_variable(variable) # Import remaining constraints. for constraint in constraints: self._import_constraint(constraint) # Set objective. self._import_objective() def _update_problem(self): for oldConstraint in self._removed_constraints(): raise ProblemUpdateError("PICOS does not support removing " "constraints from a MOSEK instance.") for oldVariable in self._removed_variables(): raise ProblemUpdateError("PICOS does not support removing variables" " from a MOSEK instance.") for newVariable in self._new_variables(): self._import_variable(newVariable) for newConstraint in self._new_constraints(): self._import_constraint(newConstraint) if self._objective_has_changed(): self._reset_objective() self._import_objective() def _solve(self): import mosek # Determine whether an LP is being solved. # TODO: Give Problem an interface for checks like this. _affine = (AffineConstraint, DummyConstraint) _is_lp = isinstance(, AffineExpression) \ and all(isinstance(constraint, _affine) for constraint in self.ext.constraints.values()) # Reset all solver options to default."") # verbosity if self._verbose():, self._streamprinter), self.ext.verbosity()) # abs_prim_fsb_tol if self.ext.options.abs_prim_fsb_tol is not None: value = self.ext.options.abs_prim_fsb_tol # Interior-point primal feasibility tolerances., value), value), value) if self.ver <= 8:, value) # Simplex primal feasibility tolerance., value) # Mixed-integer (primal) feasibility tolerance., value) # abs_dual_fsb_tol if self.ext.options.abs_dual_fsb_tol is not None: value = self.ext.options.abs_dual_fsb_tol # Interior-point dual feasibility tolerances., value), value), value) if self.ver <= 8:, value) # Simplex dual feasibility (optimality) tolerance., value) # rel_dual_fsb_tol if self.ext.options.rel_dual_fsb_tol is not None: # Simplex relative dual feasibility (optimality) tolerance., self.ext.options.rel_dual_fsb_tol) # rel_ipm_opt_tol if self.ext.options.rel_ipm_opt_tol is not None: value = self.ext.options.rel_ipm_opt_tol # Interior-point primal feasibility tolerances., value), value), value) if self.ver <= 8:, value) # abs_bnb_opt_tol if self.ext.options.abs_bnb_opt_tol is not None:, self.ext.options.abs_bnb_opt_tol) # rel_bnb_opt_tol if self.ext.options.rel_bnb_opt_tol is not None:, self.ext.options.rel_bnb_opt_tol) # integrality_tol if self.ext.options.integrality_tol is not None:, self.ext.options.integrality_tol) # max_iterations if self.ext.options.max_iterations is not None: value = self.ext.options.max_iterations, value), value), value) # Prepare lp_node_method and lp_root_method. _lpm = { "interior": (mosek.optimizertype.intpnt if _is_lp else mosek.optimizertype.conic), "psimplex": mosek.optimizertype.primal_simplex, "dsimplex": mosek.optimizertype.dual_simplex} # lp_node_method if self.ext.options.lp_node_method is not None: value = self.ext.options.lp_node_method assert value in _lpm, "Unexpected lp_node_method value.", _lpm[value]) # lp_root_method if self.ext.options.lp_root_method is not None: value = self.ext.options.lp_root_method assert value in _lpm, "Unexpected lp_root_method value.", _lpm[value]) # timelimit if self.ext.options.timelimit is not None: value = float(self.ext.options.timelimit), value), value) # max_fsb_nodes if self.ext.options.max_fsb_nodes is not None:, self.ext.options.max_fsb_nodes) # Handle MOSEK-specific options. for key, value in self.ext.options.mosek_params.items(): try:, str(value)) except mosek.Error as error: self._handle_bad_solver_specific_option(key, value, error) # Handle 'mosek_basic_sol' option. if self.ext.options.mosek_basic_sol and _is_lp: _intpnt_basis = mosek.basindtype.always else: _intpnt_basis = mosek.basindtype.never, _intpnt_basis) # Handle 'mosek_server' option. if self.ext.options.mosek_server: # Handle unsupported options. # TODO: Handle "hotstart" option (via mio_construct_sol). self._handle_unsupported_option("hotstart", "treememory") # Attempt to solve the problem. with self._header(), self._stopwatch(): try: except mosek.Error as error: if error.errno in ( mosek.rescode.err_con_q_not_psd, mosek.rescode.err_con_q_not_nsd, mosek.rescode.err_obj_q_not_psd, mosek.rescode.err_obj_q_not_nsd, mosek.rescode.err_toconic_constr_q_not_psd, mosek.rescode.err_toconic_objective_not_psd): self._handle_continuous_nonconvex_error(error) else: raise # Set the solution to be retrieved. if self.ext.is_continuous(): if _intpnt_basis == mosek.basindtype.always: solType = mosek.soltype.bas else: solType = mosek.soltype.itr else: solType = mosek.soltype.itg # Retrieve primals. primals = {} if self.ext.options.primals is not False: values = [float("nan")]*, values) for picosVar in self.ext.variables.values(): if picosVar in self._mosekBarVarIndex: barVarIndex = self._mosekBarVarIndex[picosVar] assert isinstance(picosVar, SymmetricVariable) n, d = picosVar.shape[0], picosVar.dim lowTriPrimal = [float("nan")]*d matrixPrimal = [float("nan")]*n**2 # Obtain a lower triangular vectorization from MOSEK., barVarIndex, lowTriPrimal) # Convert to a full vectorization. # TODO: Immediately convert to a symmetric vectorization. for lti, row, col in self._low_tri_indices(n): value = lowTriPrimal[lti] matrixPrimal[n*row + col] = value if row != col: matrixPrimal[n*col + row] = value # Load the full vectorization as a CVXOPT matrix. matrixPrimal = cvxopt.matrix(matrixPrimal, (n, n)) # Re-vectorize using a symmetric vectorization. primal = picosVar._vec.vectorize(matrixPrimal) else: mosekOffset = self._mosekVarOffset[picosVar] primal = values[mosekOffset:mosekOffset + picosVar.dim] if float("nan") in primal: primals[picosVar] = None else: primals[picosVar] = primal # Retrieve duals. duals = {} if self.ext.options.duals is not False and self.ext.is_continuous(): minimizing = == mosek.objsense.minimize for constraint in self.ext.constraints.values(): if isinstance(constraint, DummyConstraint): duals[constraint] = cvxopt.spmatrix( [], [], [], constraint.size) continue length = len(constraint) dual = [float("nan")]*length if isinstance(constraint, AffineConstraint): offset = self._mosekLinConOffset[constraint], offset, offset + length, dual) elif isinstance(constraint, ConvexQuadraticConstraint): # TODO: Implement consistent QCQP dual retrieval for all # solvers that return such duals. dual = None elif isinstance(constraint, SOCConstraint) \ or isinstance(constraint, RSOCConstraint): mosekVars = self._mosekCone[constraint][1] for localConeIndex in range(length): x = [float("nan")] offset = mosekVars[localConeIndex], offset, offset + 1, x) dual[localConeIndex] = x[0] if isinstance(constraint, SOCConstraint): dual = [-du for du in dual] elif isinstance(constraint, RSOCConstraint): dual[0] = -dual[0] / math.sqrt(2.0) dual[1] = -dual[1] / math.sqrt(2.0) dual[2:] = [-du for du in dual[2:]] elif isinstance(constraint, LMIConstraint): if constraint.semidefVar: assert constraint not in self._mosekLMI picosVar = constraint.semidefVar assert picosVar in self._mosekBarVarIndex barVar = self._mosekBarVarIndex[picosVar] else: assert not constraint.semidefVar assert constraint in self._mosekLMI barVar, _ = self._mosekLMI[constraint] n = constraint.size[0] d = n*(n + 1) // 2 lowerTriangularDual = [float("nan")]*d, barVar, lowerTriangularDual) for lti, row, col in self._low_tri_indices(n): value = lowerTriangularDual[lti] dual[n*row + col] = value if row != col: dual[n*col + row] = value else: assert False, "Constraint type not supported." if dual is None: pass elif float("nan") in dual: dual = None else: dual = cvxopt.matrix(dual, constraint.size) if isinstance(constraint, AffineConstraint) \ or isinstance(constraint, LMIConstraint): if not constraint.is_increasing(): dual = -dual if minimizing: dual = -dual duals[constraint] = dual # Retrieve objective value. value = # Retrieve solution status. primalStatus = self._solution_status_pic2msk(, primalSolution=True) dualStatus = self._solution_status_pic2msk(, primalSolution=False) problemStatus = self._problem_status_pic2msk(, not self.ext.is_continuous()) return self._make_solution( value, primals, duals, primalStatus, dualStatus, problemStatus) def _solution_status_pic2msk(self, statusCode, primalSolution): from mosek import solsta as ss dualSolution = not primalSolution map = { ss.unknown: SS_UNKNOWN, ss.optimal: SS_OPTIMAL, ss.prim_feas: SS_FEASIBLE if primalSolution else SS_UNKNOWN, ss.dual_feas: SS_FEASIBLE if dualSolution else SS_UNKNOWN, ss.prim_and_dual_feas: SS_FEASIBLE, ss.prim_infeas_cer: SS_INFEASIBLE if primalSolution else SS_UNKNOWN, ss.dual_infeas_cer: SS_INFEASIBLE if dualSolution else SS_UNKNOWN, ss.prim_illposed_cer: SS_UNKNOWN, ss.dual_illposed_cer: SS_UNKNOWN, ss.integer_optimal: SS_OPTIMAL, } if self.ver < 9: map.update({ ss.near_optimal: SS_FEASIBLE, ss.near_prim_feas: SS_UNKNOWN, ss.near_dual_feas: SS_UNKNOWN, ss.near_prim_and_dual_feas: SS_UNKNOWN, ss.near_prim_infeas_cer: SS_UNKNOWN, ss.near_dual_infeas_cer: SS_UNKNOWN, ss.near_integer_optimal: SS_FEASIBLE }) try: return map[statusCode] except KeyError: self._warn( "The MOSEK solution status code {} is not known to PICOS." .format(statusCode)) return SS_UNKNOWN def _problem_status_pic2msk(self, statusCode, integerProblem): from mosek import prosta as ps map = { ps.unknown: PS_UNKNOWN, ps.prim_and_dual_feas: PS_FEASIBLE, ps.prim_feas: PS_FEASIBLE if integerProblem else PS_UNKNOWN, ps.dual_feas: PS_UNKNOWN, ps.prim_infeas: PS_INFEASIBLE, ps.dual_infeas: PS_UNBOUNDED, # TODO: UNB_OR_INF ps.prim_and_dual_infeas: PS_INFEASIBLE, ps.ill_posed: PS_ILLPOSED, ps.prim_infeas_or_unbounded: PS_UNKNOWN # TODO: UNB_OR_INF } if self.ver < 9: map.update({ ps.near_prim_and_dual_feas: PS_UNKNOWN, ps.near_prim_feas: PS_UNKNOWN, ps.near_dual_feas: PS_UNKNOWN }) try: return map[statusCode] except KeyError: self._warn("The MOSEK problem status code {} is not known to PICOS." .format(statusCode)) return PS_UNKNOWN
# -------------------------------------- __all__ = api_end(_API_START, globals())