Source code for picos.solvers.solver

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Maximilian Stahlberg
# This file is part of PICOS.
# PICOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# PICOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program.  If not, see <>.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""Backend for solver interface implementations."""

import importlib.util
import os
import sys
import time
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager

from .. import glyphs, settings
from ..apidoc import api_end, api_start
from ..formatting import solver_box
from ..modeling.solution import Solution

_API_START = api_start(globals())
# -------------------------------

[docs]class SolverError(Exception): """Base class for solver-specific exceptions.""" pass
[docs]class ProblemUpdateError(SolverError): """Changes to the problem could not be forward to the solver. Raised by implementations of ``_update_problem`` to signal to the method ``_load_problem`` that the problem needs to be re-imported. """ pass
[docs]class OptionError(SolverError): """Base class for solver option related errors.""" pass
[docs]class UnsupportedOptionError(OptionError): """The solver does not support an option. Raised by implementations of ``_solve`` to signal to the user that an option they specified is not supported by the solver or the requested sub-solver, or in conjunction with the given problem type or with another option. If the option is valid but not supported by PICOS, then NotImplementedError should be raised instead. The exception is only raised if the ``strictOptions`` option is set, otherwise a warning is printed. """ pass
# TODO: Handle conflicting options globally, instead of within solver # implementations. (Should not inherit from SolverError then.)
[docs]class ConflictingOptionsError(OptionError): """Two solver options are in conflict. Raised by implementations of ``_solve`` to signal to the user that two options they specified cannot be used in conjunction. """ pass
# TODO: Handle dependent options globally, instead of within solver # implementations. (Should not inherit from SolverError then.)
[docs]class DependentOptionError(OptionError): """A solver option is invalid due to another option not being set. Raised by implementations of ``_solve`` to signal to the user that an option they specified needs another option to also be set. """ pass
# TODO: Handle option value errors globally, instead of within solver # implementations. (Should not inherit from SolverError then.)
[docs]class OptionValueError(OptionError, ValueError): """A solver option has an invalid value. Raised by implementations of ``_solve`` to signal to the user that they have set an option to an invalid value. """ pass
# TODO: Add a write function that interfaces the solver's export to file. # TODO: Potentially make this inherit from Reformulation.
[docs]class Solver(ABC): """Base class for an interface to an optimization solver.""" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Static methods. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def check_import(importName): """Asserts that a module is available without actually importing it. :raises ModuleNotFoundError: If the module could not be found. """ if importlib.util.find_spec(importName) is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Python module '{}' not found.".format(importName))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Abstract class methods. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def supports(cls, footprint, explain=False): """Whether a type of problem, given by footprint, is supported. The default implementation ensures that all reformulations required by user's choice have been performed before the problem is handed to the solver. Solver implementations are thus required to incorporate it. :param bool explain: If :obj:`True`, then this returns a :class:`tuple` where the first element is this method's regular return value and where the second element is a string naming one reason why the footprint is not supported (:obj:`None` if it is). """ if footprint.options.dualize: if explain: return False, "Variants of the primal problem (dualize=True)." else: return False return (True, None) if explain else True
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def default_penalty(cls): """Report the default penalty for the solver. See :class:`~picos.Options` for the scale. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def test_availability(cls): """Raise an exception if the solver is not installed on the system. Checks whether the solver is installed on the system, and raises an appropriate exception (usually :exc:`ModuleNotFoundError` or :exc:`ImportError`) if not. Does not return anything. """ pass
# TODO: Consider separate abstract methods for better interface validation.
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def names(cls): """Return a name sequence ``(internal, short, long, interface)``. 1. The internal name is a lowercase keyword used for solver selection. 2. The short name is a properly capitalized official solver shortand. 3. The long name is the full official name of the solver. 4. The interface name is a properly capitalized short name of the Python interface used, or :obj:`None` if the solver is Python-native or includes a unique Python interface. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def is_free(cls): """Report whether the solver is free software. This allows users to prevent PICOS from using non-free solvers at all, including for internal use, via the :data:`~.settings.NONFREE_SOLVERS` setting. """ pass
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Non-abstract class methods. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def get_via_name(cls, interface_in_parenthesis=False): """Return the name of the solver with the Python interface used.""" _, display, _, interface = cls.names() return "{} via {}".format(display, interface) if interface else display
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # __init__ and instance properties. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, problem): """Instanciate a solver interface with an optimization problem. An exception is raised when the solver is not available on the user's platform. No exception is raised when the problem type is not supported as the problem is first imported when a solution is requested. Solver implementations are supposed to also implement :meth:`__init__`, but with ``problem`` as its only positional argument, and using :obj:`super` to provide fixed values for this method's additional parameters. :param problem: A PICOS optimization problem. :type problem: :class:`Problem <picos.Problem>` """ # Make sure the solver is available. self.test_availability() # The external (PICOS) problem represenation. # HACK: Quick and dirty conversion to accept reformulations as input. from ..modeling import Problem from ..reforms import Reformulation if isinstance(problem, Reformulation): problem.successor = self self.predecessor = problem self._ext = None else: assert isinstance(problem, Problem) self._ext = problem # The solver's internal problem representation, which the advanced user # may access at their own risk. = None # The last optimization objective that was imported. self._knownObjective = None # The PICOS variables that are currently imported. self._knownVariables = set() # The PICOS constraints that are currently imported. self._knownConstraints = set()
@property def ext(self): """The "external" (input) problem.""" return self._ext if self._ext else self.predecessor.output @property def name(self): """Keyword string of the solver.""" return self.names()[0] @property def short_name(self): """Short name of the solver.""" return self.names()[1] @property def long_name(self): """Long name of the solver.""" return self.names()[2] @property def interface_name(self): """Short name of the Python interface used, or :obj:`None`.""" return self.names()[3] @property def via_name(self): """The short names of the solver and Python interface used.""" return self.get_via_name() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Abstract instance methods. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @abstractmethod def reset_problem(self): """Reset the solver's internal problem representation and related data. Method implementations are supposed to - set ``int`` to None (after performing any garbage collection), and - reset all additional problem metadata to the state it had after :meth:`__init__`, in particular the data stored for ``_update_problem``. Solver implementations should not call :meth:`reset_problem` directly, except from within :meth:`__init__` if this is convenient. The user may call this method at any time if they wish to solve the problem from scratch. """ pass
@abstractmethod def _import_problem(self): """Convert a PICOS problem to the solver's internal representation. Method implementations can assume to be run directly after either :meth:`__init__` or :meth:`reset_problem`, and before ``_solve``. The method is supposed to transform only the problem formulation itself; solver configuration options are passed inside ``_solve`` instead. """ pass @abstractmethod def _update_problem(self): """Update the solver's internal problem representation, if possible. Method implementations should make use of ``_objective_has_changed``, ``_new_variables``, ``_removed_variables``, ``_new_constraints`` and ``_removed_constraints``. Note that you can use each of the latter four generators only once each update as they will update the sets of known variables and constraints, respectively. Method implementations may raise - :exc:`NotImplementedError`, if updates to the internal problem instance of the solver are not supported (not at all or just not by PICOS), or - :exc:`ProblemUpdateError`, if an update to the solver's internal problem instance is not possible for the particular set of changes in the problem formulation. In both cases, the user will receive a warning and the problem will be re-imported instead of updated. In the case of :exc:`ProblemUpdateError`, a reason should be given and will be included in the warning. Solver implementations should not call ``_update_problem`` directly, but instead call ``_load_problem``. """ pass @abstractmethod def _solve(self): """Solve the problem and return the solution. Method implementations can assume to be run after ``_load_problem``, which attempts to run ``_update_problem`` and falls back to ``_import_problem``. The method is supposed to pass options to the solver, run it within the ``_stopwatch`` context, and return the solution. The solution object should be created via ``_make_solution``. An InappropriateSolverError should be raised if the solver (or its requested sub-solver) does not support the given problem type. :returns picos.modeling.Solution: The solution found by the solver. """ pass # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Non-abstract class methods. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def penalty(cls, options): """Report solver penalty given an :class:`~picos.Options` object.""" return options["penalty_{}".format(cls.names()[0])]
[docs] @classmethod def available(cls, verbose=False): """Whether the solver is properly installed on the system.""" name = cls.names()[0] via_name = cls.get_via_name() if name in settings.SOLVER_BLACKLIST: if verbose: print("The solver {} is blacklisted.".format(via_name)) return False if settings.SOLVER_WHITELIST and name not in settings.SOLVER_WHITELIST: if verbose: print("The solver {} is not whitelisted.".format(via_name)) return False if not settings.NONFREE_SOLVERS and not cls.is_free(): if verbose: print("The solver {} is non-free.".format(via_name)) return False try: cls.test_availability() except Exception as error: if verbose: print(error) return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def predict(cls, footprint): """Return the solver class. This mimics the behavior of :meth:`Reformulation.predict <picos.reforms.Reformulation>` so that solvers can be the last pipeline node in a reformulation strategy. """ return cls
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Non-abstract instance methods (except for __init__ and properties). # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self): return glyphs.repr1( "Problem interface between PICOS and {}".format(self.via_name))
[docs] def reset(self): """A shorthand for :meth:`reset_problem`. This is defined for consistency with :meth:`Reformulation.reset <.reformulation.Reformulation.reset>`. """ self.reset_problem()
[docs] def external_problem(self): """Return the external (PICOS) problem represenation.""" return self.ext
[docs] def internal_problem(self): """Return the solver's internal problem represenation.""" return
[docs] def verbosity(self): """Return the problem's current verbosity level.""" return self.ext.options.verbosity
def _verbosity_printer(self, minLevel, message=None): """Print a message if the verbosity level reaches a threshold. :returns: Whether messages are printed. """ condition = self.ext.options.verbosity >= minLevel if condition and message is not None: print(message) return condition def _warn(self, message=None): """Print a warning message, if the verbosity level allows for it. :returns: Whether warning messages are printed. """ return self._verbosity_printer(0, message) def _verbose(self, message=None): """Print an informative message, if the verbosity level allows for it. :returns: Whether informative messages are printed. """ return self._verbosity_printer(1, message) def _debug(self, message=None): """Print a debug message, if the verbosity level allows for it. :returns: Whether debug messages are printed. """ return self._verbosity_printer(2, message) def _handle_unsupported_option(self, option, customMessage=None): """Inform the user about an unsupported option. The manner depends on the ``strict_options`` option; either a warning is printed or an exception is raised. """ assert option in self.ext.options, \ "The option '{}' does not exist.".format(option) if self.ext.options[option] in (None, False): return if customMessage: message = customMessage else: message = "{} does not support the '{}' option." \ .format(self.via_name, option) if self.ext.options.strict_options: raise UnsupportedOptionError(message) else: self._warn(message) def _handle_unsupported_options(self, *options): """Handle a number of unsupported options at once.""" for option in options: self._handle_unsupported_option(option) def _handle_bad_solver_specific_option(self, key, value, error): picos_option = "{}_params".format( assert picos_option in self.ext.options, \ "The PICOS option '{}' does not exist.".format(picos_option) raise OptionValueError( "Either the option '{}' set via '{}' does not exist for {} or the " "given value '{}' is not valid for that option.".format( key, picos_option, self.via_name, value)) from error def _handle_bad_solver_specific_option_key(self, key, error=None): picos_option = "{}_params".format( assert picos_option in self.ext.options, \ "The PICOS option '{}' does not exist.".format(picos_option) raise OptionValueError( "The option '{}' set via '{}' does not exist for {}.".format( key, picos_option, self.via_name)) from error def _handle_bad_solver_specific_option_value(self, key, value, error=None): picos_option = "{}_params".format( assert picos_option in self.ext.options, \ "The PICOS option '{}' does not exist.".format(picos_option) raise OptionValueError( "The value '{}' for option '{}' set via '{}' is not valid for {}." .format(value, key, picos_option, self.via_name)) from error def _handle_continuous_nonconvex_error(self, error): """Raise a descriptive :exc:`ArithmeticError`.""" raise ArithmeticError("{0} refuses the problem as (continuous) " "nonconvex even though PICOS ensures convexity of (continuous) " "problems given to {0}. The most likely cause is that some " "quadratic form is numerically on the verge of being semidefinite, " "with PICOS' and {0}'s judgement differing. You could try a slight " "perturbation of your data such that all quadratic forms become " "definite.".format(self.short_name)) from error def _load_problem(self): """(Re-)import or update the solver's problem state for solving.""" # Make sure the problem is supported. footprint = self.ext.footprint assert self.supports(footprint), \ "PICOS gave {} an unsupported problem to load: {}".format( self.via_name, footprint) # Import or update the problem. if is None: self._verbose("Building a {} problem instance." .format(self.short_name)) self._import_problem() else: try: self._verbose("Updating the {} problem instance." .format(self.short_name)) self._update_problem() except (NotImplementedError, ProblemUpdateError) as error: if type(error) is NotImplementedError: reason = "Not supported with {}.".format(self.via_name) else: reason = str(error) if reason == "": reason = "Unknown reason." self._verbose("Update failed: {}".format(reason)) self._verbose("Rebuilding the {} problem instance." .format(self.short_name)) self.reset_problem() self._import_problem() # Remember which objective and what constraints were imported. self._knownObjective = self.ext.objective self._knownVariables = set(self.ext.variables.values()) self._knownConstraints = set(self.ext.constraints.values()) def _objective_has_changed(self): """Check for an objective function change. :returns: Whether the optimization objective has changed since the last forward or update. """ assert self._knownObjective is not None, \ "_objective_has_changed may only be used inside _update_problem." objectiveChanged = self._knownObjective != self.ext.objective if objectiveChanged: self._knownObjective = self.ext.objective return objectiveChanged def _new_variables(self): """Check for new variables. Yields PICOS variables that were added to the external problem representation since the last import or update. Note that variables received from this method will also be added to the set of known variables, so you can only iterate once within each update. """ for variable in self.ext.variables.values(): if variable not in self._knownVariables: self._knownVariables.add(variable) yield variable def _removed_variables(self): """Check for removed variables. Yields PICOS variables that were removed from the external problem representation since the last import or update. Note that variables received from this method will also be removed from the set of known variables, so you can only iterate once within each update. """ newVariables = set(self.ext.variables.values()) for variable in self._knownVariables: if variable not in newVariables: yield variable self._knownVariables.intersection_update(newVariables) def _new_constraints(self): """Check for new constraints. Yields PICOS constraints that were added to the external problem representation since the last import or update. Note that constraints received from this method will also be added to the set of known constraints, so you can only iterate once within each update. """ for constraint in self.ext.constraints.values(): if constraint not in self._knownConstraints: self._knownConstraints.add(constraint) yield constraint def _removed_constraints(self): """Check for removed constraints. Yields PICOS constraints that were removed from the external problem representation since the last import or update. Note that constraints received from this method will also be removed from the set of known constraints, so you can only iterate once within each update. """ newConstraints = set(self.ext.constraints.values()) for constraint in self._knownConstraints: if constraint not in newConstraints: yield constraint self._knownConstraints.intersection_update(newConstraints) @contextmanager def _stopwatch(self): """Store the time spent within the context in ``timer``. Solver implementations should use this context around the call to the solution routine to measure its search time. """ startTime = time.time() yield endTime = time.time() self.timer = endTime - startTime def _reset_stopwatch(self): """Reset the timer of the ``_stopwatch`` context manager.""" self.timer = None def _make_solution(self, value, primals, duals, primalStatus, dualStatus, problemStatus, info=None, vectorizedPrimals=True): """Create a solution problem from within :meth:`_solve`. Note that the default value for ``vectorizedPrimals`` is :obj:`True`, unlike that of :meth:`Solution.__init__ <picos.modeling.Solution.__init__>`. This is because users are expected to create manual solutions from matrix data while solvers usually work with the vectorized variables. """ from ..modeling import Solution from . import get_solver_name assert self.timer is not None, \ "Solvers must measure search time via _stopwatch." return Solution( primals=primals, duals=duals, problem=self.ext, solver=get_solver_name(self), primalStatus=primalStatus, dualStatus=dualStatus, problemStatus=problemStatus, searchTime=self.timer, info=info, vectorizedPrimals=vectorizedPrimals, reportedValue=value)
[docs] def execute(self): """Solve the problem and return the solution. :returns picos.Solution or list(picos.Solution): A solution object or list thereof. """ self._load_problem() self._reset_stopwatch() self._verbose("Starting solution search.") solution = self._solve() if isinstance(solution, list): assert all(isinstance(s, Solution) for s in solution) else: assert isinstance(solution, Solution) return solution
@contextmanager def _header(self, subsolver=None): """Print both a header and a footer.""" if subsolver: s = subsolver elif self.interface_name: s = self.interface_name else: s = None with solver_box(self.long_name, self.short_name, s, self._verbose()): yield @property def _license_warnings(self): """Whether license related warnings may ignore verbosity.""" return settings.LICENSE_WARNINGS and self.ext.options.license_warnings @contextmanager def _enforced_verbosity(self, noStdOutAt=0, noStdErrAt=-1): """Enfoce the user-specified verbosity within the context. :param int noStdOutAt: Don't print to stdout at or below this verbosity. :param int noStdErrAt: Don't print to stderr at or below this verbosity. .. warning:: This context manager monkey-patches the :mod:`sys` module and is not thread safe. """ verbosity = self.ext.verbosity() if verbosity <= max(noStdOutAt, noStdErrAt): devNull = open(os.devnull, "w") if verbosity <= noStdOutAt: oldOut = sys.stdout sys.stdout = devNull if verbosity <= noStdErrAt: oldErr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = devNull try: yield finally: if verbosity <= noStdOutAt: sys.stdout = oldOut if verbosity <= noStdErrAt: sys.stderr = oldErr
# -------------------------------------- __all__ = api_end(_API_START, globals())