Source code for picos.modeling.solution

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2019 Maximilian Stahlberg
# This file is part of PICOS.
# PICOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# PICOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program.  If not, see <>.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""Optimization problem solution representation."""

import warnings

from .. import glyphs
from ..apidoc import api_end, api_start

_API_START = api_start(globals())
# -------------------------------

# Solution status strings, as verified by PICOS.
VS_UNKNOWN           = "unverified"
"""PICOS failed to verify the solution."""

VS_DETACHED          = "detached"
"""The solution is not attached to a problem (it was given by the user)."""

VS_EMPTY             = "empty"
"""The solution is empty; there are neither primals nor duals."""

VS_DETACHED_EMPTY    = "detached empty"
"""The solution is both detached and empty."""

VS_OUTDATED          = "outdated"
"""The solution does not fit the problem formulation any more.

Variables or constraints were removed from the problem."""

VS_INCOMPLETE        = "incomplete"
"""The primal (dual) solution does not concern all variables (constraints)."""

VS_FEASIBLE          = "feasible"
"""The solution is primal feasible; there is no dual solution."""

VS_INFEASIBLE        = "infeasible"
"""The solution is primal infeasible; there is no dual solution."""

VS_PRIMAL_FEASIBLE   = "primal feasible"
"""The solution is primal feasible; a dual solution was not verified."""

VS_PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE = "primal infeasible"
"""The solution is primal infeasible; a dual solution was not verified."""

# Primal or dual solution (or search) status strings, as claimed by the solver.
SS_UNKNOWN           = "unknown"
"""The solver did not make a clear claim about the solution status."""

SS_EMPTY             = "empty"
"""The solver claims not to have produced a solution."""

SS_OPTIMAL           = "optimal"
"""The solution is optimal."""

SS_FEASIBLE          = "feasible"
"""The solution is feasible."""

SS_INFEASIBLE        = "infeasible"
"""No feasible solution exists.

In the case of a primal solution, the problem is infeasible. In the case of a
dual solution, the problem is unbounded.

SS_PREMATURE         = "premature"
"""The search was prematurely terminated due to some limit."""

SS_FAILURE           = "failure"
"""The search was termined due to a solver failure."""

# Problem status strings, as claimed by the solver.
PS_UNKNOWN           = "unknown"
"""The solver did not make a clear claim about the problem status."""

PS_FEASIBLE          = "feasible"
"""The problem is primal (and dual) feasible and bounded."""

PS_INFEASIBLE        = "infeasible"
"""The problem is primal infeasible (and dual unbounded or infeasible)."""

PS_UNBOUNDED         = "unbounded"
"""The problem is primal unbounded (and dual infeasible)."""

PS_INF_OR_UNB        = "infeasible or unbounded"
"""The problem is primal infeasible or unbounded.

Being unbounded is usually infered from being dual infeasible."""

PS_UNSTABLE          = "unstable"
"""The problem was found numerically unstable or otherwise hard to handle."""

PS_ILLPOSED          = "illposed"
"""The problem was found to be in a state that is not amenable to solution."""

def _check_type(argument, *types):
    """Enforce the type of a method or function argument."""
    for type_ in types:
        if type_ is None:
            type_ = type(None)
        if isinstance(argument, type_):

    raise TypeError("An argument is of type '{}' but must be instance of {}."
        .format(type(argument).__name__, " or ".join("'{}'".format(t.__name__)
            for t in types)))

# TODO: Make all public fields use snake_case, ensure backwards compatibility.
[docs]class Solution: """Assignment of primal and dual values to variables and constraints. Instances are usually returned by a solver (and thus bound to a :class:`problem <picos.Problem>` instance), but may be manually created by the user: >>> import picos >>> x = picos.RealVariable("x") >>> s = picos.Solution({x: 1}); s <detached primal solution from user> >>> s.apply() >>> x.value 1.0 If the solution was created by a solver (or attached to a problem via :func:`attach_to`), more information is available: >>> P = picos.Problem() >>> P.minimize = x >>> P += x >= 2 >>> s = P.solve(solver = "cvxopt", duals = False); s <feasible primal solution (claimed optimal) from cvxopt> >>> "{:.2f} ms".format(1000.0 * s.searchTime) #doctest: +SKIP '0.83 ms' >>> P += x >= 3; s <infeasible primal solution (was feasible and claimed optimal) from cvxopt> """
[docs] def __init__(self, primals, duals=None, problem=None, solver="user", primalStatus=SS_UNKNOWN, dualStatus=SS_UNKNOWN, problemStatus=PS_UNKNOWN, searchTime=0.0, info=None, vectorizedPrimals=False, reportedValue=None): """Create a solution to an optimization problem. :param dict(picos.expressions.BaseVariable, object) primals: A mapping of variables to their primal solution value. :param dict(picos.constraints.Constraint, object) duals: A mapping of constraints to their dual solution value. :param picos.Problem problem: The problem that was solved to create the solution. If ``None``, then the solution is "detached". :param str solver: The name of the solver that was used to create the solution. :param str primalStatus: The primal solution status as reported by the solver. :param str dualStatus: The dual solution status as reported by the solver. :param str problemStatus: The state of the problem as reported by the solver. :param float searchTime: Seconds that the solution process took. :param dict info: Additional solution (meta)data. :param bool vectorizedPrimals: Whether primal solution values are given with respect to the variable's special vectorization format as used by PICOS internally. :param float reportedValue: Objective value of the solution as reported by the solver. """ from ..expressions import BaseVariable from ..constraints import Constraint from .problem import Problem if primals is None: primals = {} if duals is None: duals = {} if info is None: info = {} # Be strict about the arguments as they are handed to the user. _check_type(primals, dict) _check_type(duals, dict) _check_type(problem, None, Problem) _check_type(solver, str) _check_type(primalStatus, str) _check_type(dualStatus, str) _check_type(problemStatus, str) _check_type(searchTime, float) _check_type(info, dict) _check_type(vectorizedPrimals, bool) _check_type(reportedValue, None, float) for variable, _ in primals.items(): if not isinstance(variable, BaseVariable): raise TypeError("They keys in the primals argument of " "Solution.__init__ must be variables.") for constraint, _ in duals.items(): if not isinstance(constraint, Constraint): raise TypeError("They keys in the duals argument of " "Solution.__init__ must be constraints.") # Derive a "claimed status" from the claimed primal and dual states. if primals and duals: if primalStatus == dualStatus: claimedStatus = primalStatus else: claimedStatus = "primal {} and dual {}".format( primalStatus, dualStatus) elif primals: # Do not warn about correctingdualStatus, because the solver might # have produced primals but PICOS did not read them. dualStatus = SS_EMPTY claimedStatus = primalStatus elif duals: # Do not warn about correcting primalStatus, because the solver # might have produced duals but PICOS did not read them. primalStatus = SS_EMPTY claimedStatus = dualStatus else: primalStatus = SS_EMPTY dualStatus = SS_EMPTY claimedStatus = SS_EMPTY # Infeasible problem implies infeasible primal. if problemStatus == PS_INFEASIBLE \ and primalStatus not in (SS_INFEASIBLE, SS_EMPTY): warnings.warn( "{} claims that a problem is infeasible but does not say the " "same about the nonempty primal solution. Correcting this.". format(solver), RuntimeWarning) primalStatus = SS_INFEASIBLE # Unbounded problem implies infeasible dual. if problemStatus == PS_UNBOUNDED \ and dualStatus not in (SS_INFEASIBLE, SS_EMPTY): warnings.warn( "{} claims that a problem is unbounded but does not say that " "the nonempty dual solution is infeasible. Correcting this.". format(solver), RuntimeWarning) dualStatus = SS_INFEASIBLE # Optimal solution implies feasible problem. if claimedStatus == SS_OPTIMAL and problemStatus != PS_FEASIBLE: warnings.warn( "{} claims to have found an optimal solution but does not say " " that the problem is feasible. Correcting this." .format(solver), RuntimeWarning) problemStatus = PS_FEASIBLE self.problem = problem """The problem that was solved to produce the solution.""" self.solver = solver """The solver that produced the solution.""" self.searchTime = searchTime """Time in seconds that the solution search took.""" self.primals = primals """The primal solution values returned by the solver.""" self.duals = duals """The dual solution values returned by the solver.""" = info """Additional information provided by the solver.""" self.lastStatus = VS_UNKNOWN """The solution status as verified by PICOS when the solution was applied to the problem.""" self.primalStatus = primalStatus """The primal solution status as claimed by the solver.""" self.dualStatus = dualStatus """The dual solution status as claimed by the solver.""" self.claimedStatus = claimedStatus """The primal and dual solution status as claimed by the solver.""" self.problemStatus = problemStatus """The problem status as claimed by the solver.""" self.vectorizedPrimals = vectorizedPrimals """Whether primal values refer to variables' special vectorizations.""" self.reportedValue = reportedValue """The objective value of the solution as reported by the solver."""
def _status_of_problem(self, problem): """Retrieve the problem's verified solution status. Requires that the solution has just been applied to the problem. """ if not self.primals and not self.duals: return VS_EMPTY try: isFeasible = problem.check_current_value_feasibility()[0] except LookupError: return VS_INCOMPLETE except Exception: return VS_UNKNOWN if isFeasible: return VS_PRIMAL_FEASIBLE if self.duals else VS_FEASIBLE else: return VS_PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE if self.duals else VS_INFEASIBLE @property def status(self): """The current solution status as verified by PICOS. .. warning:: Accessing this attribute is expensive for large problems as a copy of the problem needs to be created and valued. If you have just applied the solution to a :class:`problem <picos.Problem>`, query the solution's lastStatus attribute instead. """ if not self.primals and not self.duals: if not self.problem: return VS_DETACHED_EMPTY else: return VS_EMPTY elif not self.problem: return VS_DETACHED elif not self.primals: return VS_UNKNOWN problemCopy = self.problem.copy() try: self.apply(toProblem=problemCopy) except RuntimeError: return VS_OUTDATED return self._status_of_problem(problemCopy) @property def value(self): """The objective value of the solution as computed by PICOS. .. warning:: Accessing this attribute is expensive for large problems as a copy of the problem needs to be created and valued. If you have just applied the solution to a :class:`problem <picos.Problem>`, query that problem instead. """ if not self.problem: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot compute the objective value of a detached solution. " "Use attach_to to assign the solution to a problem.") problemCopy = self.problem.copy() self.apply(toProblem=problemCopy) return problemCopy.value @property def reported_value(self): """The objective value as reported by the solver, or :obj:`None`.""" return self.reportedValue def __str__(self): verifiedStatus = self.status lastStatus = self.lastStatus claimedStatus = self.claimedStatus problemStatus = self.problemStatus if self.primals and self.duals: solutionType = "solution pair" elif self.primals: solutionType = "primal solution" elif self.duals: solutionType = "dual solution" else: solutionType = "solution" # "(detached) empty solution" # Print the last status if it is known and differs from the current one. printLastStatus = lastStatus != VS_UNKNOWN and \ verifiedStatus != lastStatus # Print the claimed status only if it differs from the initial verified # one is not implied by a problem status that will be printed. printClaimedStatus = \ claimedStatus not in (verifiedStatus, SS_UNKNOWN) and \ problemStatus not in (PS_INFEASIBLE, PS_UNBOUNDED) # Print the problem status only if it is interesting. printProblemStatus = \ problemStatus not in (PS_UNKNOWN, PS_FEASIBLE) if printLastStatus and printClaimedStatus: unverifiedStatus = " (was {} and claimed {})".format( lastStatus, claimedStatus) elif printLastStatus: unverifiedStatus = " (was {})".format(lastStatus) elif printClaimedStatus: unverifiedStatus = " (claimed {})".format(claimedStatus) else: unverifiedStatus = "" if printProblemStatus: unverifiedStatus += \ " for a problem claimed {}".format(problemStatus) return "{} {}{} from {}".format(verifiedStatus, solutionType, unverifiedStatus, self.solver) def __repr__(self): return glyphs.repr1(self.__str__())
[docs] def apply(self, primals=True, duals=True, clearOnNone=True, toProblem=None, snapshotStatus=False): """Apply the solution to the involved variables and constraints. :param bool primals: Whether to apply the primal solution. :param bool duals: Whether to apply the dual solution. :param bool clearOnNone: Whether to clear the value of a variable or constraint if the solution has it set to None. This could happen in case of an error or shortcoming of the solver or PICOS. :param picos.Problem toProblem: If set to a copy of the problem that was used to produce the solution, will apply the solution to that copy's variables and constraints instead. :param bool snapshotStatus: Whether to update the lastStatus attribute with the new (verified) solution status. PICOS enables this whenever it applies a solution returned by a solver. """ if toProblem: if primals: thePrimals = {} try: for variable, primal in self.primals.items(): thePrimals[toProblem.variables[]] = primal except KeyError as error: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot apply solution to specified problem as not all " "variables for which primal values exist were found.") \ from error if duals: theDuals = {} try: for constraint, dual in self.duals.items(): theDuals[toProblem.constraints[]] = dual except KeyError as error: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot apply solution to specified problem as not all " "constraints for which dual values exist were found.") \ from error else: thePrimals = self.primals theDuals = self.duals if primals: for variable, primal in thePrimals.items(): if primal is None and not clearOnNone: continue if self.vectorizedPrimals: variable.internal_value = primal else: variable.value = primal if duals: for constraint, dual in theDuals.items(): if dual is None and not clearOnNone: continue constraint.dual = dual if snapshotStatus: if toProblem: self.lastStatus = self._status_of_problem(toProblem) elif self.problem: self.lastStatus = self._status_of_problem(self.problem) else: # detached solution self.lastStatus = self.status if toProblem: toProblem._last_solution = self elif self.problem: self.problem._last_solution = self
[docs] def attach_to(self, problem, snapshotStatus=False): """Attach (or move) the solution to a problem. Only variables and constraints that exist on the problem (same name or ID, respectively) are kept. :param bool snapshotStatus: Whether to set the lastStatus attribute of the copy to match the new problem. """ self.problem = problem # Find variables of same name in the problem and assign primals. oldPrimals, self.primals = self.primals, {} for variable, primal in oldPrimals.items(): if in problem.variables: self.primals[problem.variables[]] = primal # Find constraints of same ID in the problem and assign duals. oldDuals, self.duals = self.duals, {} for constraint, dual in oldDuals.items(): if in problem.constraints: self.duals[problem.constraints[]] = dual # Update the last (verified) status. if snapshotStatus: self.lastStatus = problem.status else: self.lastStatus = VS_UNKNOWN
# -------------------------------------- __all__ = api_end(_API_START, globals())