Source code for picos.modeling.objective

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# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Maximilian Stahlberg
# This file is part of PICOS.
# PICOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""Implementation of :class:`Objective`."""

import cvxopt

from .. import expressions, glyphs
from ..apidoc import api_end, api_start
from ..caching import cached_property
from ..expressions.uncertain import IntractableWorstCase, UncertainExpression
from ..valuable import NotValued, Valuable

_API_START = api_start(globals())
# -------------------------------

[docs]class Objective(Valuable): """An optimization objective composed of search direction and function. :Example: >>> from picos import Objective, RealVariable >>> x = RealVariable("x") >>> obj = Objective("min", x); obj <Objective: minimize x> >>> obj + x**2 # Add a term to the objective function. <Objective: minimize x + x²> >>> obj/2 + 2*obj # Scale and combine two objectives. <Objective: minimize x/2 + 2·x> >>> -obj # Flip the optimization direction. <Objective: maximize -x> """ #: Short string denoting a feasibility problem. FIND = "find" #: Short string denoting a minimization problem. MIN = "min" #: Short string denoting a maximization problem. MAX = "max"
[docs] def __init__(self, direction=None, function=None): """Construct an optimization objective. :param str direction: Case insensitive search direction string. One of - ``"min"`` or ``"minimize"``, - ``"max"`` or ``"maximize"``, - ``"find"`` or :obj:`None` (for a feasibility problem). :param ~picos.expressions.Expression function: The objective function. Must be :obj:`None` for a feasibility problem. """ if direction is None: direction = self.FIND else: if not isinstance(direction, str): raise TypeError("Search direction must be given as a string.") lower = direction.lower() if lower == "find": direction = self.FIND elif lower.startswith("min"): direction = self.MIN elif lower.startswith("max"): direction = self.MAX else: raise ValueError( "Invalid search direction '{}'.".format(direction)) if function is None: if direction != self.FIND: raise ValueError("Missing an objective function.") else: if direction == self.FIND: raise ValueError("May not specify an objective function for a " "feasiblity problem.") if not isinstance(function, expressions.Expression): raise TypeError( "Objective function must be a PICOS expression.") if len(function) != 1: raise TypeError("Objective function must be scalar.") function = function.refined if isinstance(function, expressions.ComplexAffineExpression) \ and function.complex: raise TypeError("Objective function may not be complex.") self._direction = direction self._function = function
def __str__(self): if self._function is None: return "find an assignment" else: minimize = self._direction == self.MIN dir_str = "minimize" if minimize else "maximize" if self._function.uncertain: obj_str = self._function.worst_case_string( "max" if minimize else "min") else: obj_str = self._function.string return "{} {}".format(dir_str, obj_str) def __repr__(self): return glyphs.repr1("Objective: {}".format(self)) def __iter__(self): yield self._direction yield self._function
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Report whether two objectives are the same.""" if not isinstance(other, Objective): return False if self._direction != other._direction: return False if self._direction == self.FIND: return True try: return self._function.equals(other._function) except AttributeError: # TODO: Allow all expressions to be equality-checked? return self._function is other._function
[docs] def __pos__(self): """Return the objective as-is.""" return self
[docs] def __neg__(self): """Return the negated objective with the search direction flipped.""" if self._direction == self.FIND: return self elif self._direction == self.MIN: return Objective(self.MAX, -self._function) else: return Objective(self.MIN, -self._function)
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """Denote the sum of two compatible objectives.""" if self.feasibility: if isinstance(other, Objective): return other else: raise TypeError( "May only add another objective to a feasiblity objective.") elif isinstance(other, Objective): if other.feasibility: return self elif self._direction == other._direction: return self + other._function else: return self - (-other._function) else: try: function = self._function + other except TypeError as error: raise TypeError("Failed to add to objective.") from error else: return Objective(self._direction, function)
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """Denote the difference of two compatible objectives.""" if self.feasibility: if isinstance(other, Objective): return -other else: raise TypeError("May only subtract another objective from a " "feasiblity objective.") elif isinstance(other, Objective): if other.feasibility: return self elif self._direction == other._direction: return self - other._function else: return self + (-other._function) else: try: function = self._function - other except TypeError as error: raise TypeError("Failed to subtract from objective.") from error else: return Objective(self._direction, function)
def _mul(self, other, reverse): if self.feasibility: return self elif isinstance(other, Objective): raise TypeError("You may only add or subtract two objectives, not " "multiply or divide them.") else: try: if reverse: function = other * self._function else: function = self._function * other except TypeError as error: raise TypeError("Failed to multiply objective.") from error else: return Objective(self._direction, function)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """Denote the product of the objective with an expression.""" return self._mul(other, False)
[docs] def __rmul__(self, other): """Denote the product of the objective with an expression.""" return self._mul(other, True)
[docs] def __truediv__(self, other): """Denote division of the objective by an expression.""" if self.feasibility: return self elif isinstance(other, Objective): raise TypeError("You may only add or subtract two objectives, not " "multiply or divide them.") else: try: function = self._function / other except TypeError as error: raise TypeError("Failed to divide objective.") from error else: return Objective(self._direction, function)
@property def feasibility(self): """Whether the objective is "find an assignment".""" return self._function is None @property def pair(self): """Search direction and objective function as a pair.""" return self._direction, self._objective @property def direction(self): """Search direction as a short string.""" return self._direction @property def function(self): """Objective function.""" return self._function
[docs] @cached_property def normalized(self): """The objective but with feasiblity posed as "minimize 0". >>> from picos import Objective >>> obj = Objective(); obj <Objective: find an assignment> >>> obj.normalized <Objective: minimize 0> """ if self._function is None: return Objective(self.MIN, else: return self
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Abstract method implementations for the Valuable base class. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_valuable_string(self): return "objective {}".format(self) def _get_value(self): if self._function is None: raise NotValued("A feasibility objective has no value.") elif isinstance(self._function, UncertainExpression): if self._direction == self.MIN: bad_direction = self.MAX elif self._direction == self.MAX: bad_direction = self.MIN else: bad_direction = self.FIND try: value = self._function.worst_case_value(bad_direction) except IntractableWorstCase as error: raise IntractableWorstCase("Failed to compute the worst-case " "value of the objective function {}: {} Maybe evaluate the " "nominal objective function instead?" .format(self._function.string, error)) from None else: return cvxopt.matrix(value) else: return self._function._get_value() def _set_value(self, value): if self._function is None: raise TypeError("Cannot set the value of a feasibility objective.") else: self._function.value = value
# -------------------------------------- __all__ = api_end(_API_START, globals())