Source code for picos.expressions.uncertain.uexp_sqnorm

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2020 Maximilian Stahlberg
# This file is part of PICOS.
# PICOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# PICOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""Implements :class:`UncertainSquaredNorm`."""

import operator
from collections import namedtuple

import cvxopt
import numpy

from ... import glyphs
from ...apidoc import api_end, api_start
from ...caching import cached_unary_operator
from ...constraints.uncertain import (MomentAmbiguousSquaredNormConstraint,
from ..cone_rsoc import RotatedSecondOrderCone
from import convert_operands, cvx2np
from ..exp_affine import AffineExpression
from ..exp_biaffine import BiaffineExpression
from ..exp_norm import Norm
from ..expression import Expression, refine_operands, validate_prediction
from .pert_moment import MomentAmbiguitySet
from .pert_scenario import ScenarioPerturbationSet
from .pert_wasserstein import WassersteinAmbiguitySet
from .uexp_affine import UncertainAffineExpression
from .uexpression import UncertainExpression

_API_START = api_start(globals())
# -------------------------------

[docs]class UncertainSquaredNorm(UncertainExpression, Expression): """Squared Euclidean or Frobenius norm of an uncertain affine expression.""" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization and factory methods. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, x): """Construct an :class:`UncertainSquaredNorm`. :param x: The uncertain affine expression to denote the squared norm of. :type x: ~picos.expressions.uncertain.uexp_affine.UncertainAffineExpression """ if not isinstance(x, UncertainAffineExpression): raise TypeError("Can only form the uncertain squared norm of an " "uncertain affine expression, not of {}." .format(type(x).__name__)) typeStr = "Uncertain Squared Norm" symbStr = glyphs.squared(glyphs.norm(x.string)) Expression.__init__(self, typeStr, symbStr) self._x = x
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Properties. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def x(self): """Uncertain affine expression under the squared norm.""" return self._x # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Abstract method implementations for Expression, except _predict. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @cached_unary_operator def _get_refined(self): """Implement :meth:`~.expression.Expression._get_refined`.""" if self.certain: return Norm(self._x.refined)**2 else: return self Subtype = namedtuple("Subtype", ("argdim", "universe_type")) def _get_subtype(self): """Implement :meth:`~.expression.Expression._get_subtype`.""" return self.Subtype(len(self._x), self.universe.type) def _get_value(self): value = self._x._get_value() if len(value) == 1: return abs(value)**2 else: return cvxopt.matrix( numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.ravel(cvx2np(value)))**2) @cached_unary_operator def _get_mutables(self): return self._x.mutables def _is_convex(self): return True def _is_concave(self): return False def _replace_mutables(self, mapping): return self.__class__(self._x._replace_mutables(mapping)) def _freeze_mutables(self, freeze): return self.__class__(self._x._freeze_mutables(freeze)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constraint-creating operators and _predict. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _predict(cls, subtype, relation, other): assert isinstance(subtype, cls.Subtype) AE = AffineExpression BAE = BiaffineExpression UAE = UncertainAffineExpression MAS = MomentAmbiguitySet SPS = ScenarioPerturbationSet WAS = WassersteinAmbiguitySet if issubclass(other.clstype, BAE) and other.subtype.dim != 1: return NotImplemented if relation is not operator.__le__: return NotImplemented if issubclass(subtype.universe_type.clstype, MAS): if issubclass(other.clstype, AE): return MomentAmbiguousSquaredNormConstraint.make_type( sqnorm_argdim=subtype.argdim, universe_subtype=subtype.universe_type.subtype) elif issubclass(subtype.universe_type.clstype, WAS): if subtype.universe_type.subtype.p != 2: return NotImplemented if issubclass(other.clstype, AE): return WassersteinAmbiguousSquaredNormConstraint.make_type( sqnorm_argdim=subtype.argdim, universe_subtype=subtype.universe_type.subtype) elif issubclass(subtype.universe_type.clstype, SPS): if issubclass(other.clstype, (AE, UAE)): if issubclass(other.clstype, UAE) \ and not issubclass(other.subtype.universe_type.clstype, SPS): return NotImplemented return ScenarioUncertainConicConstraint.make_type( dim=(subtype.argdim + 2), scenario_count=subtype.universe_type.subtype.scenario_count, cone_type=RotatedSecondOrderCone.make_type(dim=None)) else: return NotImplemented return NotImplemented
[docs] @convert_operands(scalarRHS=True) @validate_prediction @refine_operands() def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(self._x.universe, MomentAmbiguitySet): if isinstance(other, AffineExpression): return MomentAmbiguousSquaredNormConstraint(self, other) elif isinstance(other, UncertainAffineExpression): # Raise a meaningful exception because there are other cases # where upper bounding with an UncertainAffineExpression works # so the default Python exception would be misleading. raise TypeError("When upper-bounding a moment-ambiguous " "expected squared norm, the upper bound must be certain.") elif isinstance(self._x.universe, WassersteinAmbiguitySet): if self._x.universe.p != 2: raise ValueError("Upper-bounding an expected squared norm under" " Wasserstein ambiguity requires p = 2.") if isinstance(other, AffineExpression): return WassersteinAmbiguousSquaredNormConstraint(self, other) elif isinstance(other, UncertainAffineExpression): # Raise a meaningful exception because there are other cases # where upper bounding with an UncertainAffineExpression works # so the default Python exception would be misleading. raise TypeError("When upper-bounding a Wasserstein-ambiguous " "expected squared norm, the upper bound must be certain.") elif isinstance(self._x.universe, ScenarioPerturbationSet): if isinstance(other, (AffineExpression, UncertainAffineExpression)): # Uncertain upper bound must have equal uncertainty. # NOTE: Can only be predicted up to the perturbation type. if isinstance(other, UncertainAffineExpression) \ and self.perturbation is not other.perturbation: raise ValueError("If the upper bound to a scenario " "uncertain squared norm is itself uncertain, then the " "uncertainty in both sides must be equal (same " "perturbation parameter).") return (other // 1 // self._x.vec) << RotatedSecondOrderCone() else: raise TypeError("Upper-bounding an uncertain squared norm whose " "perturbation parameter is described by an instance of {} is " "not supported.".format(self._x.universe.__class__.__name__)) # Make sure the Python NotImplemented-triggered TypeError works. assert not isinstance(other, (AffineExpression, UncertainAffineExpression)) return NotImplemented
# -------------------------------------- __all__ = api_end(_API_START, globals())