Source code for picos.expressions.exp_wsum

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2021 Maximilian Stahlberg
# This file is part of PICOS.
# PICOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# PICOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program.  If not, see <>.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""Implements the :class:`WeightedSum` fallback class."""

import operator
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import reduce

import cvxopt

from .. import glyphs
from ..apidoc import api_end, api_start
from ..caching import cached_property, cached_selfinverse_unary_operator
from ..constraints import Constraint, WeightedSumConstraint
from .data import convert_operands, load_dense_data
from .exp_affine import AffineExpression, Constant
from .expression import Expression, refine_operands, validate_prediction

_API_START = api_start(globals())
# -------------------------------

[docs]class WeightedSum(Expression): """A convex or concave weighted sum of scalar expressions.""" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialization and properties. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, expressions, weights=1, opstring=None): """Construct a weighted sum of expressions. :param expressions: A collection of scalar expressions. :param weights: A constant weight vector. :param str opstring: Used by PICOS internally when this class is tried as a last fallback to represent the result of an otherwise unsupported product or sum. """ try: # Avoid iterating over affine expressions. if isinstance(expressions, Expression): raise TypeError("{} is not designed to represent the sum over " "(the elements of) a single expression. Use picos.sum to " "select the correct class automatically." .format(self.__class__.__name__)) # Load constant data and refine expressions. expressions = tuple( x.refined if isinstance(x, Expression) else Constant(x) for x in expressions) if not expressions: raise ValueError("Need at least one expression.") # Require that every expression is scalar. if not all(x.scalar for x in expressions): raise TypeError("Not all summands are scalar.") # Load weights as a CVXOPT dense column vector. weights = load_dense_data(weights, (len(expressions), 1), "d")[0] # Never create a nested WeightedSum. # NOTE: This ensures that WeightedSumConstraintReformulation needs # to run just once to get rid of all WeightedSumConstraint. if any(isinstance(x, WeightedSum) for x in expressions): ux, uw = [], [] # Unpacked expressions/weights. for x, w in zip(expressions, weights): if isinstance(x, WeightedSum): ux.extend(x._expressions) uw.extend(w * x._weights) else: ux.append(x) uw.append(w) assert not any(isinstance(x, WeightedSum) for x in ux) expressions = tuple(ux) weights = load_dense_data(uw, (len(ux), 1), "d")[0] # Determine convexity of expressions. convex = all((x.convex and w >= 0) or (x.concave and w <= 0) for x, w in zip(expressions, weights)) concave = all((x.concave and w >= 0) or (x.convex and w <= 0) for x, w in zip(expressions, weights)) # Don't handle uncertain expressions. # TODO: Consider handling sums with one uncertain summand. if any(x.uncertain for x in expressions): raise NotImplementedError( "{} does not handle uncertain summands at this point." .format(self.__class__.__name__)) self._expressions = expressions self._weights = weights self._convex = convex self._concave = concave typeStrWords = [] if convex and concave: typeStrWords.append("Affine") # Manually crafted. elif convex: typeStrWords.append("Convex") elif concave: typeStrWords.append("Concave") if not all(w == 1 for w in weights): typeStrWords.append("Weighted") typeStrWords.append("Sum") typeStr = " ".join(typeStrWords) symbStr = reduce(glyphs.clever_add, ( glyphs.clever_mul(glyphs.scalar(w), x.string) for w, x in zip(weights, expressions))) Expression.__init__(self, typeStr, symbStr) except Exception as error: if not opstring: raise raise TypeError("Cannot represent {} as a weighted sum: {}" .format(opstring, error)) from None
@property def expressions(self): """The expressions being summed, without their coefficients.""" return self._expressions
[docs] @cached_property def weights(self): """The coefficient vector as a PICOS column vector.""" return Constant("w", self._weights)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Abstract method implementations for Expression, except _predict. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: Merge expressions that can be merged. def _get_refined(self): if not self._weights: return elif all(x.constant for x in self._expressions): return Constant(self.string, self.safe_value, (1, 1)) elif len(self._expressions) == 1 and self._weights[0] == 1: return self._expressions[0] elif 0 in self._weights: return self.__class__(*(zip(*( ew for ew in zip(self._expressions, self._weights) if ew[1])))) else: return self Subtype = namedtuple("Subtype", ( "convex", "concave", "types", "nonneg_weights")) def _get_subtype(self): return self.Subtype(self.convex, self.concave, tuple(x.type for x in self._expressions), tuple( >= 0)) def _get_value(self): values = cvxopt.matrix([x.safe_value for x in self._expressions], (1, len(self._expressions))) return values * self._weights def _get_mutables(self): return reduce( frozenset.union, (x._get_mutables() for x in self._expressions)) def _is_convex(self): return self._convex def _is_concave(self): return self._concave def _replace_mutables(self, mapping): return self.__class__( (x._replace_mutables(mapping) for x in self._expressions), self._weights) def _freeze_mutables(self, freeze): return self.__class__( (x._freeze_mutables(freeze) for x in self._expressions), self._weights) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Python special method implementations, except constraint-creating ones. # NOTE: WeightedSum is used by Expression as a fallback class, so all # operations are concluded here (return result or raise exception). # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @cached_selfinverse_unary_operator def __neg__(self): return self.__class__(self._expressions, -self._weights)
[docs] @convert_operands(scalarRHS=True) @refine_operands() def __add__(self, other): opstring = "{} plus {}".format(repr(self), repr(other)) return self.__class__(self._expressions + (other,), cvxopt.matrix([self._weights, 1]), opstring)
[docs] @convert_operands(scalarRHS=True) @refine_operands() def __radd__(self, other): opstring = "{} plus {}".format(repr(other), repr(self)) return self.__class__((other,) + self._expressions, cvxopt.matrix([1, self._weights]), opstring)
[docs] @convert_operands(scalarRHS=True) @refine_operands() def __sub__(self, other): opstring = "{} minus {}".format(repr(self), repr(other)) return self.__class__(self._expressions + (other,), cvxopt.matrix([self._weights, -1]), opstring)
[docs] @convert_operands(scalarRHS=True) @refine_operands() def __rsub__(self, other): opstring = "{} minus {}".format(repr(other), repr(self)) return self.__class__((other,) + self._expressions, cvxopt.matrix([1, -self._weights]), opstring)
def _mul(self, other, forward): if isinstance(other, AffineExpression) and other.constant: value = other.safe_value if value == 0: return Constant(0) elif value == 1: return self else: p = self.__class__(self._expressions, value*self._weights) if forward: p._symbStr = glyphs.clever_mul(self.string, other.string) else: p._symbStr = glyphs.clever_mul(other.string, self.string) return p else: return NotImplemented
[docs] @convert_operands(scalarRHS=True) @refine_operands() def __mul__(self, other): return self._mul(other, True)
[docs] @convert_operands(scalarRHS=True) @refine_operands() def __rmul__(self, other): return self._mul(other, False)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constraint-creating operators, and _predict. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _predict(cls, subtype, relation, other): assert isinstance(subtype, cls.Subtype) if relation == operator.__le__: if not subtype.convex: return NotImplemented if not issubclass(other.clstype, AffineExpression) \ or other.subtype.dim != 1: return NotImplemented return WeightedSumConstraint.make_type( lhs_types=subtype.types, relation=Constraint.LE, rhs_type=other, nonneg_weights=subtype.nonneg_weights) elif relation == operator.__ge__: if not subtype.concave: return NotImplemented if not issubclass(other.clstype, AffineExpression) \ or other.subtype.dim != 1: return NotImplemented return WeightedSumConstraint.make_type( lhs_types=subtype.types, relation=Constraint.GE, rhs_type=other, nonneg_weights=subtype.nonneg_weights) return NotImplemented
[docs] @convert_operands(scalarRHS=True) @validate_prediction @refine_operands() def __le__(self, other): if not self.convex: raise TypeError("Cannot upper-bound the nonconvex expression {}." .format(self.string)) if isinstance(other, AffineExpression): return WeightedSumConstraint(self, Constraint.LE, other) return NotImplemented
[docs] @convert_operands(scalarRHS=True) @validate_prediction @refine_operands() def __ge__(self, other): if not self.concave: raise TypeError("Cannot lower-bound the nonconcave expression {}." .format(self.string)) if isinstance(other, AffineExpression): return WeightedSumConstraint(self, Constraint.GE, other) return NotImplemented
# -------------------------------------- __all__ = api_end(_API_START, globals())