Source code for picos.expressions.exp_affine

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Maximilian Stahlberg
# Based on the original picos.expressions module by Guillaume Sagnol.
# This file is part of PICOS.
# PICOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# PICOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program.  If not, see <>.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""Implements affine expression types."""

import operator
from collections import namedtuple

import cvxopt
import numpy

from .. import glyphs
from ..apidoc import api_end, api_start
from ..caching import cached_property, cached_unary_operator
from ..constraints import (AffineConstraint, ComplexAffineConstraint,
                           ComplexLMIConstraint, Constraint, LMIConstraint)
from .data import convert_operands, cvx2np, cvx2csc, load_data
from .exp_biaffine import BiaffineExpression
from .expression import (Expression, ExpressionType, refine_operands,

_API_START = api_start(globals())
# -------------------------------

[docs]class ComplexAffineExpression(BiaffineExpression): """A multidimensional (complex) affine expression. Base class for the real :class:`AffineExpression`. """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Abstract method implementations for Expression. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtype = namedtuple("Subtype", ("shape", "constant", "nonneg")) Subtype.dim = property(lambda self: self.shape[0] * self.shape[1]) def _get_subtype(self): """Implement :meth:`~.expression.Expression._get_subtype`.""" nonneg = self.constant and self.isreal \ and all(x >= 0 for x in self.value_as_matrix) return self.Subtype(self._shape, self.constant, nonneg) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method overridings for Expression. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @cached_unary_operator def _get_refined(self): """Implement :meth:`~.expression.Expression._get_refined`.""" if self.isreal: return AffineExpression(self._symbStr, self._shape, self._coefs) else: return self @convert_operands(sameShape=True, allowNone=True) def _set_value(self, value): """Override :meth:`~.expression.Expression._set_value`.""" if value is None: for var in self._linear_coefs: var.value = None return # Since all variables are real-valued, prevent NumPy from finding # complex-valued solutions that do not actually work. (self.real // self.imag).renamed(self.string).value \ = (value.real // value.imag) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Abstract method implementations for BiaffineExpression. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _get_bilinear_terms_allowed(cls): """Implement for :class:`~.exp_biaffine.BiaffineExpression`.""" return False @classmethod def _get_parameters_allowed(cls): """Implement for :class:`~.exp_biaffine.BiaffineExpression`.""" return False @classmethod def _get_basetype(cls): """Implement :meth:`~.exp_biaffine.BiaffineExpression._get_basetype`.""" return ComplexAffineExpression @classmethod def _get_typecode(cls): """Implement :meth:`~.exp_biaffine.BiaffineExpression._get_typecode`.""" return "z" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method overridings for BiaffineExpression: Binary operators. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @convert_operands(sameShape=True) @refine_operands(stop_at_affine=True) def __or__(self, other): from .exp_quadratic import QuadraticExpression from .exp_sqnorm import SquaredNorm if isinstance(other, ComplexAffineExpression) \ and not self.constant and not other.constant: # Create a squared norm if possible. # NOTE: Must not check self.equals(other) here; see SquaredNorm. # TODO: Consider creating a helper function for __or__ that always # returns a QuadraticExpression instead of a SquaredNorm to be # used within SquaredNorm. Then equals would be possible here. if self is other: return SquaredNorm(self) string = glyphs.clever_dotp( self.string, other.string, other.complex, self.scalar) # Handle the complex case: Conjugate the right hand side. other = other.conj Cs, Co = self._constant_coef, other._constant_coef # Compute the affine part of the product. affString = glyphs.affpart(string) affCoefs = {(): Cs.T * Co} for var in self.variables.union(other.variables): if var not in other._linear_coefs: affCoefs[var] = Co.T * self._linear_coefs[var] elif var not in self._linear_coefs: affCoefs[var] = Cs.T * other._linear_coefs[var] else: affCoefs[var] = Co.T * self._linear_coefs[var] + \ Cs.T * other._linear_coefs[var] affPart = self._common_basetype(other)(affString, (1, 1), affCoefs) # Compute the quadratic part of the product. quadPart = {(v, w): self._linear_coefs[v].T * other._linear_coefs[w] for v in self._linear_coefs for w in other._linear_coefs} # Don't create quadratic expressions without a quadratic part. if not any(quadPart.values()): affPart._symbStr = string return affPart # Remember a factorization into two real scalars if applicable. # NOTE: If the user enters a multiplication a*b of two scalar affine # expressions, then we have, at this point, self == a.T == a # and other == b.conj.conj == b. if len(self) == 1 and len(other) == 1 \ and self.isreal and other.isreal: factors = (self.refined, other.refined) else: factors = None return QuadraticExpression( string, quadPart, affPart, scalarFactors=factors) else: return BiaffineExpression.__or__(self, other)
[docs] @convert_operands(rMatMul=True) @refine_operands(stop_at_affine=True) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ComplexAffineExpression) \ and not self.constant and not other.constant: # If the result is scalar, allow for quadratic terms. if self._shape[0] == 1 and other._shape[1] == 1 \ and self._shape[1] == other._shape[0]: result = self.T.__or__(other.conj) # NOTE: __or__ always creates a fresh expression. result._symbStr = glyphs.clever_mul(self.string, other.string) return result else: raise NotImplementedError( "PICOS does not support multidimensional quadratic " "expressions at this point. More precisely, one factor must" " be constant or the result must be scalar.") else: return BiaffineExpression.__mul__(self, other)
[docs] @convert_operands(sameShape=True) @refine_operands(stop_at_affine=True) def __xor__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ComplexAffineExpression) \ and not self.constant and not other.constant: # If the result is scalar, allow for quadratic terms. if self._shape == (1, 1): result = self.__or__(other.conj) # NOTE: __or__ always creates a fresh expression. result._symbStr = glyphs.hadamard(self.string, other.string) return result else: raise NotImplementedError( "PICOS does not support multidimensional quadratic " "expressions at this point. More precisely, one factor must" " be constant or the result must be scalar.") else: return BiaffineExpression.__xor__(self, other)
# TODO: Create a quadratic expression from a scalar Kronecker prod. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method overridings for BiaffineExpression: Unary operators. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @cached_property def real(self): """Override :meth:`~.exp_biaffine.BiaffineExpression.real`. The result is returned as an :meth:`AffineExpression`. """ return AffineExpression(glyphs.real(self.string), self._shape, {vars: coef.real() for vars, coef in self._coefs.items()})
[docs] @cached_property def imag(self): """Override :meth:`~.exp_biaffine.BiaffineExpression.imag`. The result is returned as an :meth:`AffineExpression`. """ return AffineExpression(glyphs.imag(self.string), self._shape, {vars: coef.imag() for vars, coef in self._coefs.items()})
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Additional unary operators. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @cached_unary_operator def __abs__(self): from . import Norm return Norm(self)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constraint-creating operators, and _predict. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _predict(cls, subtype, relation, other): assert isinstance(subtype, cls.Subtype) from .set import Set if relation == operator.__eq__: if issubclass(other.clstype, ComplexAffineExpression): return ComplexAffineConstraint.make_type(dim=subtype.dim) elif relation == operator.__lshift__: if issubclass(other.clstype, ComplexAffineExpression): return ComplexLMIConstraint.make_type(int(subtype.dim**0.5)) elif issubclass(other.clstype, Set): other_type = ExpressionType(cls, subtype) return other.predict(operator.__rshift__, other_type) elif relation == operator.__rshift__: if issubclass(other.clstype, ComplexAffineExpression): return ComplexLMIConstraint.make_type(int(subtype.dim**0.5)) return NotImplemented
[docs] @convert_operands(sameShape=True) @validate_prediction @refine_operands() def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ComplexAffineExpression): return ComplexAffineConstraint(self, other) else: return NotImplemented
# Since we define __eq__, __hash__ is not inherited. Do this manually. __hash__ = Expression.__hash__ def _lshift_implementation(self, other): if isinstance(other, ComplexAffineExpression): return ComplexLMIConstraint(self, Constraint.LE, other) else: return NotImplemented def _rshift_implementation(self, other): if isinstance(other, ComplexAffineExpression): return ComplexLMIConstraint(self, Constraint.GE, other) else: return NotImplemented # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Interface for PICOS-internal use. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def sparse_rows(self, varOffsetMap): r"""Yield a sparse list representation of the expression. This is similar to :meth:`sparse_matrix_form` (with default arguments) but instead of returning :math:`A` and :math:`b` at once, this yields for every row of :math:`[A \mid b]`, each representing a scalar entry of the expression's vectorization, a triplet containing a list of column indices and values of that row of :math:`A` and the entry of :math:`b`. :param varOffsetMap: Maps variables to column offsets. :yields tuple(list, list, float): Triples ``(J, V, c)`` where ``J`` contains column indices (representing scalar variables), ``V`` contains coefficients for each column index, and where ``c`` is a constant term. """ A, b = self.sparse_matrix_form(varOffsetMap, dense_b=True) R, C, V = A.T.CCS for r in range(len(self)): u, v = R[r:r + 2] yield list(C[u:v]), list(V[u:v]), b[r]
[docs] def sparse_matrix_form( self, varOffsetMap, *, offset=0, padding=0, dense_b=False): """Return a representation suited for embedding in constraint matrices. This computes a sparse matrix :math:`A` and a sparse column vector :math:`b` such that :math:`Ax + b` represents the vectorized expression, where :math:`x` is a vertical concatenation of a number of variables, including those that appear in the expression. The size and ordering of :math:`x` is given through ``varOffsetMap``, which maps PICOS variables to their starting position within :math:`x`. If the optional parameters ``offset`` and ``padding`` are given, then both :math:`A` and :math:`b` are padded with zero rows from above and below, respectively. This method is used by PICOS internally to assemble constraint matrices. :param dict varOffsetMap: Maps variables to column offsets. :param int offset: Number of zero rows to insert at the top of :math:`A` and :math:`b`. :param int offset: Number of zero rows to insert at the bottom of :math:`A` and :math:`b`. :param bool dense_b: Whether to return :math:`b` as a dense vector. Not compatible with nonzero ``offset`` or ``padding``. :returns tuple(cvxopt.spmatrix): A pair ``(A, b)`` of CVXOPT sparse matrices representing the matrix :math:`A` and the column vector :math:`b`. (If ``dense_b=True``, then ``b`` is returned as a dense CVXOPT column vector instead.) """ lin = self._sparse_linear_coefs cst = self._constant_coef tc = self._typecode k = len(self) m = offset + k + padding n = sum(var.dim for var in varOffsetMap) ordered_vars = sorted(varOffsetMap, key=varOffsetMap.__getitem__) blocks = [] for var in ordered_vars: if var in lin: coef = lin[var] else: coef = cvxopt.spmatrix([], [], [], size=(k, var.dim), tc=tc) blocks.append([coef]) if blocks: A = cvxopt.sparse(blocks, tc=tc) else: A = cvxopt.spmatrix([], [], [], size=(k, 0), tc=tc) b = cvxopt.matrix(cst, tc=tc) if dense_b else cvxopt.sparse(cst, tc=tc) if offset or padding: if dense_b: raise ValueError("Refusing to return a dense vector if a " "nonzero offset or padding is given.") A = cvxopt.sparse( [ cvxopt.spmatrix([], [], [], size=(offset, n), tc=tc), A, cvxopt.spmatrix([], [], [], size=(padding, n), tc=tc) ], tc=tc ) b = cvxopt.sparse( [ cvxopt.spmatrix([], [], [], size=(offset, 1), tc=tc), b, cvxopt.spmatrix([], [], [], size=(padding, 1), tc=tc) ], tc=tc ) assert A.size == (m, n) assert b.size == (m, 1) return A, b
[docs] def scipy_sparse_matrix_form( self, varOffsetMap, *, offset=0, padding=0, dense_b=False): """Like :meth:`sparse_matrix_form` but returns SciPy types. See :meth:`sparse_matrix_form` for details and arguments. :returns tuple(scipy.sparse.csc_matrix): A pair ``(A, b)`` of SciPy sparse matrices in CSC format representing the matrix :math:`A` and the column vector :math:`b`. (If ``dense_b=True``, then ``b`` is returned as a 1-D :class:`NumPy array <numpy.ndarray>` instead.) :raises ModuleNotFoundError: If the optional dependency :mod:`scipy` is not installed. """ import scipy.sparse lin = self._linear_coefs cst = self._constant_coef dtype = type(cst[0]) k = len(self) m = offset + k + padding n = sum(var.dim for var in varOffsetMap) ordered_vars = sorted(varOffsetMap, key=varOffsetMap.__getitem__) blocks = [] for var in ordered_vars: if var in lin: coef = cvx2csc(lin[var]) else: coef = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((k, var.dim), dtype=dtype) blocks.append(coef) if blocks: A = scipy.sparse.hstack(blocks, format="csc", dtype=dtype) else: A = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((k, 0), dtype=dtype) b = numpy.ravel(cvx2np(cst)) if dense_b else cvx2csc(cst) if offset or padding: if dense_b: raise ValueError("Refusing to return a dense vector if a " "nonzero offset or padding is given.") A = scipy.sparse.vstack( [ scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((offset, n), dtype=dtype), A, scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((padding, n), dtype=dtype) ], format="csc", dtype=dtype ) b = scipy.sparse.vstack( [ scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((offset, 1), dtype=dtype), b, scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((padding, 1), dtype=dtype) ], format="csc", dtype=dtype ) assert A.shape == (m, n) assert b.shape in ((m,), (m, 1)) return A, b
[docs]class AffineExpression(ComplexAffineExpression): """A multidimensional real affine expression.""" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method overridings for BiaffineExpression. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def isreal(self): """Always true for :class:`AffineExpression` instances.""" # noqa return True @property def real(self): """The :class:`AffineExpression` as is.""" # noqa return self
[docs] @cached_property def imag(self): """A zero of same shape as the :class:`AffineExpression`.""" # noqa return
@property def conj(self): """The :class:`AffineExpression` as is.""" # noqa return self @property def H(self): """The regular transpose of the :class:`AffineExpression`.""" # noqa return self.T # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Method overridings for ComplexAffineExpression. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _get_basetype(cls): return AffineExpression @classmethod def _get_typecode(cls): return "d" def _get_refined(self): return self @convert_operands(sameShape=True, allowNone=True) def _set_value(self, value): if value is None: for var in self._linear_coefs: var.value = None return if not isinstance(value, AffineExpression) or not value.constant: raise TypeError("Cannot set the value of {} to {}: Not real or not " "a constant.".format(repr(self), repr(value))) if self.constant: raise TypeError("Cannot set the value on a constant expression.") y = cvx2np(value._constant_coef) A = [] for var, coef in self._linear_coefs.items(): A.append(cvx2np(coef)) assert A A = numpy.hstack(A) b = y - cvx2np(self._constant_coef) try: solution, residual, _, _ = numpy.linalg.lstsq(A, b, rcond=None) except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError as error: raise RuntimeError("Setting a value on {} by means of a least-" "squares solution failed.".format(self.string)) from error if not numpy.allclose(residual, 0): raise ValueError("Setting a value on {} failed: No exact solution " "to the associated linear system found.".format(self.string)) offset = 0 for var in self._linear_coefs: var.internal_value = solution[offset:offset+var.dim] offset += var.dim # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Additional unary operators. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @cached_property def exp(self): """The exponential function applied to the expression.""" # noqa from . import SumExponentials return SumExponentials(self)
[docs] @cached_property def log(self): """The Logarithm of the expression.""" # noqa from . import Logarithm return Logarithm(self)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constraint-creating operators, and _predict. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def _predict(cls, subtype, relation, other): assert isinstance(subtype, cls.Subtype) if relation in (operator.__eq__, operator.__le__, operator.__ge__): if issubclass(other.clstype, AffineExpression): return AffineConstraint.make_type( dim=subtype.dim, eq=(relation is operator.__eq__)) elif relation == operator.__lshift__: if issubclass(other.clstype, AffineExpression): return LMIConstraint.make_type(int(subtype.dim**0.5)) elif issubclass(other.clstype, ComplexAffineExpression): return ComplexLMIConstraint.make_type(int(subtype.dim**0.5)) elif relation == operator.__rshift__: if issubclass(other.clstype, AffineExpression): return LMIConstraint.make_type(int(subtype.dim**0.5)) elif issubclass(other.clstype, ComplexAffineExpression): return ComplexLMIConstraint.make_type(int(subtype.dim**0.5)) return NotImplemented
[docs] @convert_operands(sameShape=True) @validate_prediction @refine_operands() def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AffineExpression): return AffineConstraint(self, Constraint.LE, other) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] @convert_operands(sameShape=True) @validate_prediction @refine_operands() def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AffineExpression): return AffineConstraint(self, Constraint.GE, other) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] @convert_operands(sameShape=True) @validate_prediction @refine_operands() def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AffineExpression): return AffineConstraint(self, Constraint.EQ, other) else: return NotImplemented
# Since we define __eq__, __hash__ is not inherited. Do this manually. __hash__ = Expression.__hash__ def _lshift_implementation(self, other): if isinstance(other, AffineExpression): return LMIConstraint(self, Constraint.LE, other) elif isinstance(other, ComplexAffineExpression): return ComplexLMIConstraint(self, Constraint.LE, other) else: return NotImplemented def _rshift_implementation(self, other): if isinstance(other, AffineExpression): return LMIConstraint(self, Constraint.GE, other) elif isinstance(other, ComplexAffineExpression): return ComplexLMIConstraint(self, Constraint.GE, other) else: return NotImplemented
[docs]def Constant(name_or_value, value=None, shape=None): """Create a constant PICOS expression. Loads the given numeric value as a constant :class:`~picos.expressions.ComplexAffineExpression` or :class:`~picos.expressions.AffineExpression`, depending on the value. Optionally, the value is broadcasted or reshaped according to the shape argument. :param str name_or_value: Symbolic string description of the constant. If :obj:`None` or the empty string, a string will be generated. If this is the only positional parameter (i.e.``value`` is not given), then this position is used as the value argument instead! :param value: The numeric constant to load. See :func:`` for supported data formats and broadcasting and reshaping rules. :Example: >>> from picos import Constant >>> Constant(1) <1×1 Real Constant: 1> >>> Constant(1, shape=(2, 2)) <2×2 Real Constant: [1]> >>> Constant("one", 1) <1×1 Real Constant: one> >>> Constant("J", 1, (2, 2)) <2×2 Real Constant: J> """ if value is None: value = name_or_value name = None else: name = name_or_value value, valStr = load_data(value, shape) if value.typecode == "z": cls = ComplexAffineExpression else: cls = AffineExpression return cls(name if name else valStr, value.size, {(): value})
# -------------------------------------- __all__ = api_end(_API_START, globals())