Source code for picos.constraints.con_soc

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# This file is part of PICOS.
# PICOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
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"""Second order conce constraints."""

from collections import namedtuple

from .. import glyphs
from ..apidoc import api_end, api_start
from ..caching import cached_property
from .constraint import ConicConstraint

_API_START = api_start(globals())
# -------------------------------

[docs]class SOCConstraint(ConicConstraint): """Second order (:math:`2`-norm, Lorentz) cone membership constraint."""
[docs] def __init__(self, normedExpression, upperBound, customString=None): """Construct a :class:`SOCConstraint`. :param ~picos.expressions.AffineExpression normedExpression: Expression under the norm. :param ~picos.expressions.AffineExpression upperBound: Upper bound on the normed expression. :param str customString: Optional string description. """ from ..expressions import AffineExpression assert isinstance(normedExpression, AffineExpression) assert isinstance(upperBound, AffineExpression) assert len(upperBound) == 1 # NOTE: len(normedExpression) == 1 is allowed even though this should # rather be represented as an AbsoluteValueConstraint. = normedExpression self.ub = upperBound super(SOCConstraint, self).__init__( self._get_type_term(), customString, printSize=True)
def _get_type_term(self): return "SOC"
[docs] @cached_property def conic_membership_form(self): """Implement for :class:`~.constraint.ConicConstraint`.""" from ..expressions import SecondOrderCone return (self.ub //, SecondOrderCone(dim=(len( + 1))
[docs] @cached_property def unit_ball_form(self): r"""The constraint in Euclidean norm unit ball membership form. If this constraint has the form :math:`\lVert E(X) \rVert_F \leq c` with :math:`c > 0` constant and :math:`E(X)` an affine expression of a single (matrix) variable :math:`X` with :math:`y := \operatorname{vec}(E(X)) = A\operatorname{vec}(X) + b` for some invertible matrix :math:`A` and a vector :math:`b`, then we have :math:`\operatorname{vec}(X) = A^{-1}(y - b)` and we can write the elementwise vectorization of the constraint's feasible region as .. math:: &\left\{\operatorname{vec}(X) \mid \lVert E(X) \rVert_F \leq c \right\} \\ =~&\left\{\operatorname{vec}(X) \mid \lVert A\operatorname{vec}(X) + b \rVert_2 \leq c \right\} \\ =~&\left\{A^{-1}(y - b) \mid \lVert y \rVert_2 \leq c \right\} \\ =~&\left\{ A^{-1}(y - b) \mid \lVert c^{-1}y \rVert_2 \leq 1 \right\} \\ =~&\left\{A^{-1}(cy - b) \mid \lVert y \rVert_2 \leq 1 \right\}. Therefor we can repose the constraint as two constraints: .. math:: \lVert E(X) \rVert_F \leq c \Longleftrightarrow \exists y : \begin{cases} \operatorname{vec}(X) = A^{-1}(cy - b) \\ \lVert y \rVert_2 \leq 1. \end{cases} This method returns the quadruple :math:`(X, A^{-1}(cy - b), y, B)` where :math:`y` is a fresh real variable vector (the same for subsequent calls) and :math:`B` is the Euclidean norm unit ball. :returns: A quadruple ``(X, aff_y, y, B)`` of type (:class:`~.variables.BaseVariable`, :class:`~.exp_affine.AffineExpression`, :class:`~.variables.RealVariable`, :class:`~picos.Ball`) such that the two constraints ``X.vec == aff_y`` and ``y << B`` combined are equivalent to this one. :raises NotImplementedError: If the expression under the norm does not reference exactly one variable or if that variable does not use a trivial vectorization format internally. :raises ValueError: If the upper bound is not constant, not positive, or if the matrix :math:`A` is not invertible. :Example: >>> import picos >>> A = picos.Constant("A", [[2, 0], ... [0, 1]]) >>> x = picos.RealVariable("x", 2) >>> P = picos.Problem() >>> P.set_objective("max", picos.sum(x)) >>> C = P.add_constraint(abs(A*x + 1) <= 10) >>> _ = P.solve(solver="cvxopt") >>> print(x) [ 1.74e+00] [ 7.94e+00] >>> Q = picos.Problem() >>> Q.set_objective("max", picos.sum(x)) >>> x, aff_y, y, B, = C.unit_ball_form >>> _ = Q.add_constraint(x == aff_y) >>> _ = Q.add_constraint(y << B) >>> _ = Q.solve(solver="cvxopt") >>> print(x) [ 1.74e+00] [ 7.94e+00] >>> round(abs(P.value - Q.value), 4) 0.0 >>> round(y[0]**2 + y[1]**2, 4) 1.0 """ from ..expressions import Ball, RealVariable from import cvxopt_inverse from ..expressions.vectorizations import FullVectorization if len( != 1: raise NotImplementedError("Unit ball membership form is only " "supported for second order conic constraints whose normed " "expression depends on exactly one mutable; found {} for {}." .format(len(, self)) if not self.ub.constant: raise ValueError("The upper bound is not constant, so no unit ball " "form exists for {}.".format(self)) c = self.ub if c.value <= 0: raise ValueError("The upper bound is not positive, so no unit ball " "form exists for {}.".format(self)) X = tuple([0] if not isinstance(X._vec, FullVectorization): raise NotImplementedError( "The variable {} does not use a trivial vectorization format, " "so no unit ball form exists for {}.".format(, self)) A =[X] b = if not A.size[0] == A.size[1]: raise ValueError("The dimensions dim({}) = {} and dim({}) = {} do " "not match, so no unit ball form exists for {}.".format(, X.dim,, len(, self)) try: A_inverse = cvxopt_inverse(A) except ValueError as error: raise ValueError( "The linear operator applied to {} to form the linear part of " "{} is not bijective, so no unit ball form exists for {}." .format(,, self)) from error y = RealVariable("__{}".format(, X.dim) return X, A_inverse*(c*y - b), y, Ball()
Subtype = namedtuple("Subtype", ("argdim",)) def _subtype(self): return self.Subtype(len( @classmethod def _cost(cls, subtype): return subtype.argdim + 1 def _expression_names(self): yield "ne" yield "ub" def _str(self): return glyphs.le(glyphs.norm(, self.ub.string) def _get_size(self): return (len( + 1, 1) def _get_slack(self): return self.ub.safe_value - abs(
# -------------------------------------- __all__ = api_end(_API_START, globals())