Source code for picos.constraints.con_matnorm

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2012-2017, 2020 Guillaume Sagnol
# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Maximilian Stahlberg
# This file is part of PICOS.
# PICOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
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"""Implementation of matrix norm constraints."""

import operator
from collections import namedtuple

import cvxopt as cvx

from .. import glyphs
from ..apidoc import api_end, api_start
from .constraint import Constraint, ConstraintConversion

_API_START = api_start(globals())
# -------------------------------

[docs]class MatrixNormConstraint(Constraint): """Upper bound on a matrix :math:`(p,q)`-norm."""
[docs] class VectorNormConversion(ConstraintConversion): """Upper bound on a :math:`(p,q)`-norm constraint conversion."""
[docs] @classmethod def predict(cls, subtype, options): """Implement :meth:`~.constraint.ConstraintConversion.predict`.""" from ..expressions import AffineExpression, RealVariable, Norm shape, pNum, pDen, qNum, qDen = subtype rows, cols = shape # HACK: Whether the bound is constant is irrelevant. bound = AffineExpression.make_type((1, 1), None, None) pNorm = Norm.make_type((rows, 1), pNum, pDen, pNum, pDen) qNorm = Norm.make_type((cols, 1), qNum, qDen, qNum, qDen) yield ("var", RealVariable.make_var_type(dim=cols, bnd=0), 1) yield ("con", pNorm.predict(operator.__le__, bound), cols) yield ("con", qNorm.predict(operator.__le__, bound), 1)
[docs] @classmethod def convert(cls, con, options): """Implement :meth:`~.constraint.ConstraintConversion.convert`.""" from ..expressions import no_refinement, Norm, RealVariable from ..modeling import Problem norm = con.norm p, q = norm.p, norm.q cols = norm.x.size[1] P = Problem() u = RealVariable("__u", cols) # Bound the p-norm of every column. with no_refinement(): for j in range(cols): P.add_constraint(Norm(norm.x[:, j], p) <= u[j]) # Bound the q-norm of the column norms. P.add_constraint(Norm(u, q) <= con.upperBound) return P
[docs] def __init__(self, norm, upperBound): """Construct a :class:`MatrixNormConstraint`. :param ~picos.expressions.Norm norm: The norm. :param ~picos.expressions.AffineExpression upperBound: The scalar upper bound. """ from ..expressions import AffineExpression, Norm assert isinstance(norm, Norm) assert isinstance(upperBound, AffineExpression) assert len(upperBound) == 1 assert norm.qnum is not None or norm.pnum != norm.qnum, \ "Won't create a (p,q)-norm constraint for a p-norm." self.norm = norm self.upperBound = upperBound super(MatrixNormConstraint, self).__init__(norm._typeStr)
Subtype = namedtuple("Subtype", ("shape", "pNum", "pDen", "qNum", "qDen")) @classmethod def _cost(cls, subtype): return subtype.shape[0] * subtype.shape[1] + 1 def _subtype(self): return self.Subtype(self.norm.x.size, self.norm.pnum, self.norm.pden, self.norm.qnum, self.norm.qden) def _expression_names(self): yield "norm" yield "upperBound" def _str(self): return glyphs.le(self.norm.string, self.upperBound.string) def _get_slack(self): return self.upperBound.safe_value - self.norm.safe_value
[docs]class SpectralNormConstraint(Constraint): """Spectral norm of a matrix."""
[docs] class Conversion(ConstraintConversion): """Spectral norm constraint conversion."""
[docs] @classmethod def predict(cls, subtype, options): """Implement :meth:`~.constraint.ConstraintConversion.predict`.""" from . import (ComplexLMIConstraint, LMIConstraint) m, n = subtype.shape if subtype.hermitian: if subtype.complex: yield ("con", ComplexLMIConstraint.make_type(diag=n), 2) else: yield ("con", LMIConstraint.make_type(diag=n), 2) else: if subtype.complex: yield ("con", ComplexLMIConstraint.make_type(diag=n+m), 1) else: yield ("con", LMIConstraint.make_type(diag=n+m), 1)
[docs] @classmethod def convert(cls, con, options): """Implement :meth:`~.constraint.ConstraintConversion.convert`.""" from ..modeling import Problem from ..expressions import block, Constant x = con.norm.x m, n = x.shape t = con.upperBound In = Constant('I', cvx.spdiag([1.] * n)) P = Problem() if x.hermitian: P.add_constraint(x << t*In) P.add_constraint(x >> -t * In) else: Im = Constant('I', cvx.spdiag([1.] * m)) P.add_constraint(block([[t*Im, x], [x.H, t*In]]) >> 0) return P
[docs] def __init__(self, norm, upperBound): """Construct a :class:`SpectralNormConstraint`. :param ~picos.expressions.SpectralNorm norm: Constrained spectral norm :param ~picos.expressions.AffineExpression upperBound: Upper bound on the expression. """ from ..expressions import AffineExpression, SpectralNorm assert isinstance(norm, SpectralNorm) assert isinstance(upperBound, AffineExpression) assert len(upperBound) == 1 self.norm = norm self.upperBound = upperBound super(SpectralNormConstraint, self).__init__(norm._typeStr)
Subtype = namedtuple("Subtype", ("shape", "complex", "hermitian")) def _subtype(self): x = self.norm.x return self.Subtype(x.shape, x.complex, x.hermitian) @classmethod def _cost(cls, subtype): m = subtype.shape[0] n = subtype.shape[1] if subtype.hermitian: if subtype.complex: return 2 * n**2 + 1 else: return 2 * n*(n+1) // 2 + 1 else: if subtype.complex: return (n + m) ** 2 + 1 else: return (n + m) * (n + m + 1) // 2 + 1 def _expression_names(self): yield "norm" yield "upperBound" def _str(self): return glyphs.le(self.norm.string, self.upperBound.string) def _get_slack(self): return self.upperBound.safe_value - self.norm.safe_value
[docs]class NuclearNormConstraint(Constraint): """Nuclear norm of a matrix."""
[docs] class Conversion(ConstraintConversion): """Nuclear norm constraint conversion."""
[docs] @classmethod def predict(cls, subtype, options): """Implement :meth:`~.constraint.ConstraintConversion.predict`.""" from ..expressions import SymmetricVariable, HermitianVariable from . import (ComplexLMIConstraint, LMIConstraint, AffineConstraint, ComplexAffineConstraint) m, n = subtype.shape if subtype.complex: MatrixVariable = HermitianVariable dm, dn = m**2, n**2 else: MatrixVariable = SymmetricVariable dm = (m * (m + 1)) // 2 dn = (n * (n + 1)) // 2 yield ("var", MatrixVariable.make_var_type(dim=dm, bnd=0), 1) yield ("var", MatrixVariable.make_var_type(dim=dn, bnd=0), 1) if subtype.hermitian: l = (n * (n + 1)) // 2 # Number of lower triangular elements. if subtype.complex: yield ("con", ComplexAffineConstraint.make_type(dim=l), 1) yield ("con", ComplexLMIConstraint.make_type(diag=n), 2) else: yield ("con", AffineConstraint.make_type(dim=l, eq=True), 1) yield ("con", LMIConstraint.make_type(diag=n), 2) else: if subtype.complex: yield ("con", ComplexLMIConstraint.make_type(diag=n+m), 1) else: yield ("con", LMIConstraint.make_type(diag=n+m), 1) yield ("con", AffineConstraint.make_type(dim=1, eq=False), 1)
[docs] @classmethod def convert(cls, con, options): """Implement :meth:`~.constraint.ConstraintConversion.convert`.""" from ..modeling import Problem from ..expressions import SymmetricVariable, HermitianVariable from ..expressions.algebra import block, trace x = con.norm.x m, n = x.shape t = con.upperBound if con.norm._complex: Y = HermitianVariable("__Y", (m, m)) Z = HermitianVariable("__Z", (n, n)) else: Y = SymmetricVariable("__Y", (m, m)) Z = SymmetricVariable("__Z", (n, n)) P = Problem() if x.hermitian: P.add_constraint(x.trilvec == (Y - Z).trilvec) P.add_constraint(Y >> 0) P.add_constraint(Z >> 0) P.add_constraint(trace(Y) + trace(Z) <= t) else: P.add_constraint(block([[Y, x], [x.H, Z]]) >> 0) P.add_constraint(trace(Y) + trace(Z) <= 2 * t) return P
[docs] def __init__(self, norm, upperBound): """Construct a :class:`NuclearNormConstraint`. :param ~picos.expressions.NuclearNorm norm: Constrained nuclear norm :param ~picos.expressions.AffineExpression upperBound: Upper bound on the expression. """ from ..expressions import AffineExpression, NuclearNorm assert isinstance(norm, NuclearNorm) assert isinstance(upperBound, AffineExpression) assert len(upperBound) == 1 self.norm = norm self.upperBound = upperBound super(NuclearNormConstraint, self).__init__(norm._typeStr)
Subtype = namedtuple("Subtype", ("shape", "complex", "hermitian")) def _subtype(self): x = self.norm.x return self.Subtype(x.shape, x.complex, x.hermitian) @classmethod def _cost(cls, subtype): m, n = subtype.shape if subtype.hermitian: if subtype.complex: return 2 * n ** 2 + 1 else: return 2 * n * (n+1) // 2 + 1 else: if subtype.complex: return (n + m) ** 2 + 1 else: return (n + m) * (n + m + 1) // 2 + 1 def _expression_names(self): yield "norm" yield "upperBound" def _str(self): return glyphs.le(self.norm.string, self.upperBound.string) def _get_slack(self): return self.upperBound.safe_value - self.norm.safe_value
# -------------------------------------- __all__ = api_end(_API_START, globals())