A Python interface to conic optimization solvers

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Welcome to the documentation of PICOS, a powerful and user friendly Python API for convex and mixed integer optimization that dispatches your problem to the best fit solver that is available at runtime. A PDF version of this documentation is available for offline use. Here’s a quick example:

>>> import picos as pc
>>> x = pc.RealVariable("x", 5)
>>> a = pc.Constant("a", range(5))
>>> P = pc.Problem()
>>> P.minimize = abs(x - a)                            # abs() - Euclidean norm
>>> P += pc.sum(x) == 1                                # Add a constraint
>>> opt = P.solve(solver="cvxopt")                     # Optional: Solver choice
>>> print(x.T)                                         # .T - Transpose
[-1.80e+00 -8.00e-01  2.00e-01  1.20e+00  2.20e+00]
>>> round(P.value, 3)

Quickstart guide